Syntax: The analysis of sentence structure Deny A. Kwary Airlangga University
Grammatical or Ungrammatical: 1. The boy found the ball 2. The boy found quickly 3. The boy found in the house 4. The boy found the ball in the house 5. Disa slept the baby 6. Disa slept soundly Find: Transitive verb (with object) Sleep: Intransitive verb (no object)
Syntactic Categories (1) Lexical categories Noun (N) Verb (V) Adjective (A) Preposition (P) Adverb (Adv) Examples moisture, policy melt, remain good, intelligent to, near slowly, now
Syntactic Categories (2) Non-lexical categories Determiner (Det) Degree word (Deg) Qualifier (Qual) Auxiliary (Aux) Conjunction (Con) Examples the, this very, more always, perhaps will, can and, or
Indicate the category of each word in the following sentences. a. The glass suddenly broke. b. A jogger ran towards the end of the lane. c. The peaches never appear quite ripe. d. Gillian will play the trumpet and the drums in the orchestra. Det / N / Adv / V Det / N / V / P / Det / N / P / Det / N Det / N / Qual / V / Deg / A N / Aux / V / Det / N / Conj / Det / N / P / Det / N
Phrases NP : Noun Phrase The car, a clever student VP : Verb Phrase study hard, play the guitar PP : Prepositional Phrase in the class, above the earth AP : Adjective Phrase very tall, quite certain
Phrase Structure Rules NP (Det) N (PP) PP P NP The bus in the yard NP The bus (NP) Det N Det N PP The bus P NP Det N The bus in the yard
Phrase Structure Rules VP V (NP) (PP) S NP (Aux) VP took the money from the bank VP took the money (VP) V NP V NP PP Det N Det N P NP took the money Det N took the money from the bank
Draw the tree diagram. 1. repaired the telephone 2. the success of the program 3. a film about pollution 4. move towards the window 5. cast a spell on the broomstick
The main structure rules 1. S NP (Aux) VP 2. NP (Det) (AP) N (PP) 3. VP V (NP) (PP) (Adv) 4. PP P NP 5. AP A (PP)
Example (1) The old tree swayed in the wind S Aux NP VP Det Adj N V PP past swayed in the wind
Example (2) The children put the toy in the box S NP VP Det N V NP PP
Draw the structure trees for the following sentences Question # 5 a - f page. 240
Tree Diagram to be continued next week Deny A. Kwary Airlangga University