1 Chapter 14 Embedded Processing Cores
2 Overview RISC: Reduced Instruction Set Computer RISC-based processor: PowerPC, ARM and MIPS The embedded processor can be implemented as a soft, firm or hard core
3 Potential FPGA Implementation
4 FPGA Embedded Processor Types Firm core: Altera ’ s Nios-II and Xilinx ’ s MicroBlaze processors Hard cores: Xilinx ’ s Virtex-II pro and Virtex PowerPC
5 Processor Example
6 FPGA Processor Use Considerations Ability to reuse or port existing baseline code FPGA-based processor implementation advantages Most of the system functionality within a single device Highly-tailored embedded processing solution
7 System Design Considerations Use of co-design Processor architectural implementation System implementation options Processor core and peripheral selection
8 FPGA Co-design Flow
9 Processor Architecture RISC-based processor Processor architecture is a critical factor: determines system performance Influence system performance optimization include Processor core implementation Bus implementation Architecture Use of cache Use of a MMU Interrupt capability Software program flow
10 Processor Implementation Options
11 Processor Core and Peripheral Selection The processor selection affects all aspects of the system design, budget, and schedule for a project Processor selection criteria Performance, architecture RTOS support Processor category Tool features Technical support Reference code/examples Evaluation boards
12 Hardware Implementation Factors Tool selection Design margin Device optimization Data flow and FPGA orientation Debug hooks System clocking Bus interconnection and management strategy Device mapping IP usage
13 Software Implementation Factors Common design terms, Integrated development environment (IDE) Real-time operation system (RTOS) Make file: A script file capable of implementing the steps required to automate a sequence of required operations Linker
14 FPGA Embedded Processor Concept Example
15 Hardware and Software Tools Interaction
16 Q & A