Topic 2 Adam Godzik
JCSG approach: no model archives, building models “on the fly”
Modeling used in target selection with MR component Sequence of a potential target : >MELGIRDKGVLVAASRGIGRAVADVLSQEGAEVTICCARM >30% Seq id to a known structure yes Not a PSI target no Fold can be predicted no SelMet expression What is the Quality of the model bad Potential MR target good
In development Models for construct design –Tested for SARS targets –“computational DXMS” Models for planning of point mutations –Testing on several difficult targets
What is real impact of PSI - are new folds most important ? TM0875 from t.maritima new fold no homologs – an “orphan” no corresponding Pfam family from n.punctiforme two domains of known folds but no recognizable sequence similarity to known structures C-terminal domain provides the first structural template for Pfam family of over 500 sequences (PF00877)