Scintillating Fiber and Ribbon Production Update Alan Bross MICE CM 16 October 8, 2006
Status Ribbon Mirroring continues. 37 runs have been mirrored u Mean R = 77% RMS=3% (Approx. 375 measurements)
Mirroring Status From Eileen u All fiber prep work is complete s Cutting s Inspection s Polishing u Approximately 37k fibers sputtered (mirrored) (about ½) u The expected rate from now is about 6000/week s Finish 3 rd week of November u A second sputtering system has been put together, but we are waiting for new sputtering gun (est. delivery 10/31) s Could speed things up a bit
New Ribbons We anticipate starting full production the week of October 17th. u Performing prep work this week u Hope to reach production goal of 1 ribbon/day during this next fabrication period