Thesis Presentation IV – Fall Midterm Review NewMediaArts art 257 :: motion graphic design week 2 :: a
NewMediaArts art 257 :: motion graphic design :: week 1 :: b :: in-class example Six Feet Under Title Sequence er/credits/index.shtml er/credits/index.shtml
NewMediaArts art 257 :: motion graphic design :: week 1 :: b :: today’s agenda critique: go over 10 second black square animation answer any technical Flash questions a brief introduction to storyboarding in-class activity: work on storyboard assignment in class sketch, sketch, sketch (very rough storyboards) practice making a “clean” version (for presentation)
NewMediaArts art 257 :: motion graphic design :: week 1 :: b :: homework storyboard and storyboard animatic purpose/objective: To solve a visual time-based design problem using hand drawn sketches in order to communicate a narrative visual message. assignment: Two parts: Using marker and paper, sketch a storyboard sequence of at least 8 slides. Scan your images and make a digital slideshow using Flash. Animate certain elements if necessary. format: two different formats: storyboards – on 8.5” x 11” paper – either: 4 slides per sheet (2 sheets) or 8 slides per sheet. (1 sheet) animatic – 2 30 fps, 320x240 flash.swf due next thursday ::
NewMediaArts art 257 :: motion graphic design :: week 1 :: b :: in-class activity Template demonstration: Making a storyboard template sheet in Illustrator (for presentation purposes only – not to be used for sketching)
NewMediaArts art 257 :: motion graphic design :: week 1 :: b :: post mortem How smoothly did today’s class run? What slowed us down? What did we skip over? How can we be more efficient in the future?