Supporting Web Farms Features that help performance, availability & scale
add AS_Administrators to local administrators Net localgroup setting EC & WMS Service identity Get-WmiObject define ConnectionStrings globally AppCmd set default AppPool identity AppCmd create the persistence db & schema Initialize- ASPersistenceSqlDatabase create monitoring db & schema Initialize- ASMonitoringSqlDatabase select connection string for monitoring Set-ASAppMonitoring select connection string for persistence Set- ASAppSqlServicePersistenc e WebFarm is supported scenario, but has no UI tooling Scripting configuration to: push settings out to all machines in farm Push setting out to new nodes Get content out with WebDeploy Package entire server Individual IIS applications Script deployment
Initializes the worker process before the first message is received
Server A Server B Host B Host A WF Service Instance(Running) Instance(Running) ClientClient Locked to Host A Workflow Management Service Lock Expires WF Service Instance(Running) Instance(Running) Locked to Host B
Workflow Host A Client A Client B LockedLockedUnlockedUnlocked Workflow Host B
Defines pattern for time interval (exponential or linear) between retries after failing due to instance lock exception. How long a host holds a lock. Controls the interval between successive polls of the instance store.
Instance Restart Lock Retry AutoStart
AppFabric in the Enterprise