Titre RADARSAT-1 RADARSAT-2 Greenland coverage Satellite Operations Space Operations
Satellite Operations Cycle A: 20-DEC-08 to 13-JAN-09 Cycle B: 13-JAN-09 to 06-FEB-09 Cycle C: 06-FEB-09 to 01-MAR-09 RADARSAT three consecutive cycles RADARSAT-1 RT-TSS (Norway) FINE 1, HH RADARSAT-2 GSS (Canada) STANDARD 5, HH+HV (Fine coverage is not suitable as it creates gaps between swaths) Greenland proposed coverage
Satellite Operations Greenland acquired data DATA IN ARCHIVE CYCLE A: 20-DEC-08 to 13-JAN-09 RADARSAT-1 RADARSAT-2 Gaps are caused by lost conflicts