February 10, 2004 Overview Adrian Pop Programming Environments Laboratory Linköping University Research on XML technology (ModelicaXML) Semantic Web (Modelica ontology) Debugging
February 10, 2004 ModelicaXML Applications Interoperability and Transformation Modelica code Modelica XML XML Tools Model Documentatio n Other XML formats Modelica Parser Other modeling languages Parsers read output validate, read output validate, read output read MathML - for equations XHTML - for documentation SVG - for icons X3D - for 3D animations
February 10, 2004 Modelica composition and transformation
February 10, 2004 ModelicaXML role in the project Generating requirement and desirables specification Sensitivity and trade-off analysis Concept selection Parameter calculations Parameter calculations Analysis and evaluation Concept generation Identification of key Life cycle value factors FM Design Tool FM Design Database FM-Design tool V 1.00 : UML information model (~ 50 classes, ~50 relations, ~100 attributes) Prototype implementations of FMDesign V1.0 (~150 K LOC) Product Design Library Stakeholder and requirement trees Function-Means Trees Product Concepts with Selected Means Trees & Implementation/Component Trees Modelica Integration Modelica Integration (automated) Early stage UML information model for Modelica Preliminary ModelicaXML interchange format Modelica Design Tool Modelica Design Database