Computer and Society Olayele Adelakun (Ph.D) Assistant Professor CTI Office: Room 735 CTI 7th Floor Phone: Fax: Web:
CASE Summary What is the basic issue put yourself in the a position break it down Identify relevant areas of analysis Use facts from the case and theoretical frameworks to argue / support your analysis Make a conclusion for each area of analysis Draw conclusions and recommendations References
A Tale of Two Airlines in the Information Age What assumptions did Prof. McPherson make regarding information technology support at the London-based airlines? Do you believe they are realistic assumptions for the technology environment of today. What factors do you think lead to the difference between Prof. McPherson’s expectations and the reality of the situation? What alternative approaches could have been taken to resolve the situation? What were the differences between the Atlanta-based and the London airline’s approach? In approaching the problem, did the Atlanta-based airline have any special advantages? What advice would you give the London-based airline’s management?
A Tale of Two Airlines in the Information Age What did Prof. McPherson assume the British Airway's gate agent would know about him and what are the enabling technologies that would be required to execute them? AssumptionsEnabling IT Ticket FareThe reservation record (stored in London or downloaded to a USA server Gold Card MemberThe reservation system should have his Gold Card and a regular patron data and should be able to use it to their advantage Data on connecting flightIntegration of two computers reservation systems They know he is on a which historically had no need to be connecting flight.interconnected with one another. The information accessible will show when the plane touches down and when it actually attached to the gate What are the possible service alternatives for British Airways? Delta (Atlanta-based airline) situation?
Computer and the Information Age Assignment 1 Write one page paper on the topic: Has computers make our lives easier: Yes or No
Computer and the Information Age Ways to see the Social Word What is the quality of live And what is good, Phaedrus, and what is not good – need we ask anyone to tell us these things? (Robert M Pirsig, 1974.)
Computer and the Information Age Does computer improves our lives quality? Objective View: Aristotle Philosophy - Realist Realist - A thing exists if the world cannot function normally without it. The realist maintains that the social world external to the individual is real and it is made up of hard, tangible and relatively immutable structures. Regardless of our awareness, they exist as empirical entities. They are independent of the individual appreciation of them.
Computer and the Information Age Does computer improves our lives quality? Objective View: Aristotle Philosophy - Realist The Realist Argument: Took away fine art. There is no point in hanging a painting on a wall when the bare wall looks just as good. Similarly, other forms of art like comedy and drama will follow the same road as painting. In sports, ice-hockey will be the first to disappear, followed by baseball and all other games, and then football (please! no) will also disappear. Alcohol, tea, coffee and tobacco will have to disappear and so on. The world cannot function normally without “it”
Computer and the Information Age Does computer improves our lives quality? Subjective View: Socrates philosophy The measure of all thing is men, but never the scientific instruments. Socrates was one of the greatest sophists and he died for the ideal that truth is relative, against those who think that there is an absolute truth. In Socrates philosophy, quality is what we like It is external to the organization and it is subjective in the user's mind
Computer and the Information Age Does computer improves our lives quality? Dialect View: Plato philosophy To Plato, the immortal truths consist of ideas, which are changeless, and appearance, which changes. Horse vs. Horse-ness Plato uses dialectic as a means of logical argumentation. It is a technique of cross-examination with which truth is reached. Plato believes that dialectic is the sole method by which the truth can be arrived at
Five Things We Need to Know about IT