1 GP End-Chess Evolution of Chess Endgame Players Ami Hauptman & Moshe Sipper
2 Outline Introduction The Game of Chess – a solved problem? Important differences between human and artificial chess players Chess Endgames - features & building blocks GP problem definition Experiment and Results Future work
3 The game of Chess First developed in India and Persia Considered an extremely complex game of strategy and inventiveness Enormous search space Roughly 50 possible moves at mid-game A typical game consists of a few dozen moves Estimated at in 40-move game (Shannon, 1950)
4 The game of Chess – AI history First chess AI at 1958 – novice level Machine strength increasing linearly 1997 – defeat of former world champion, Garry Kasparov, by IBM’s deep blue Last years – performance still increasing Mainly Hardware Also Software … The End ?
5 The game of Chess …NO! Deep(er) blue uses extreme brute-force, traversing several millions of boards ps Very little generalization Virtually no human resemblance Deemed theoretically uninteresting Chomsky: As interesting as a weight lifting competition between machine and man Low A to I ratio; Low return
6 The game of Chess – Basic concepts 8x8 board Each player starts with 16 pieces, of 6 different types, and may only move 1 piece per turn A piece can only move into an empty square or into one containing an opponent’s piece (a capture) Win by capturing the opponent’s king
7 The game of Chess – pieces Pawn: may only move forward (or capture diagonally) Bishop: diagonals Knight: L shaped moves. The only “unblockable” piece Rook: Ranks & files Queen: Bishop & Rook combined King: 1 square in any direction. May not move into attacked square Values : 1 3 3/ ∞
8 The game of Chess – example White has over 30 possible moves If black ’ s turn – can capture pawn at c3 and check (also fork)
9 The game of Chess – Check and Checkmate “Checking” is attacking opponent’s king. Opponent must respond “Mating” (Checkmate) is when the opponent can’t avoid losing the king – and thus forfeiting the game
10 Human & Artificial Players - AI AI uses search to assign a score to a board Traverse the move tree from leaves - up Select the best child using scores found Only partial tree Computer is O (Max) opponent is X
11 Human & Artificial Players – AI Search Millions of boards (nodes) per second Little time for each board – less knowledge Smart search algorithms – pruning Alpha-beta variants (negascout etc.) Still use heuristics at end – can’t see all tree Most research revolves around search Human resemblance minimal – humans use little search
12 Human & Artificial Players – Humans(1) Humans use problem solving cognition Deeply knowledge based – extensive “Chess theory” Massive use of pattern recognition Also use search but Less deep Only develop “good” positions More efficient – less nodes for “same” result Reminiscent of greedy search Not only in chess
13 Human & Artificial Players – Grand Masters - Findings Play against several opponents at the same level they play against a single opponent GMs and novices: same level of performance when memorizing a random board; differ when memorizing real game positions GM eye movements show they only scan “correct” parts of board Strong Amateurs use the same meta-search as GMs - equally deep, same nodes, same speed; Differ in knowledge of domain (De Groot)
14 Endgames - example White’s turn: mate in 5, with Qe6+ Features include: #moves for black king minimal Attacking, un-attacked Checking Officers same line\row Black’s turn: draw with: Rc1+, then Qg5 – fork & exchange
15 Endgames (2) - features Few pieces remain (typically: king, 0-3 officers and sometimes pawns) Fewer options, but more moves for each piece Trees still extremely large
16 Endgames - Building Blocks Main goals Reduce search by “smart” features of the board Use more game knowledge as humans do Allow more complex features to be built by supplying basic ones (terminals) and building methods (functions) Schemata evolution
17 Features Example - Fork My piece is: Attacking 2 or more pieces Protected or not attacked Opponent pieces: Unprotected OR protected but of greater value Example: black must exchange Q for R because of fork
18 Fork: Traditional AI search Only 3 legal moves for black Find that one of white’s next moves (out of 23 possible) captures black queen Check all following moves for more piece exchanges Sometimes, still check other moves (non capturing) At end of search – compare remaining pieces No fork “concept”
19 Features Example – Fork Feature Search (GP) One of the features is isMyFork function – Checks all previously defined conditions Also, use some smaller building blocks: Is Opponent piece Attacked? Is attacking piece protected? Is opponent in check? Value of attacked piece
20 GP Problem Definition Terminals & Functions Fitness Run parameters Termination We will see each element in the following experiments
21 Endgame experiments conducted KRKR – each player has 1 king and 1 rook KRRKR – King with 2 Rook against King and Rook KRRKRR KQKQ – Kings and Queens KQRKQR – Combined
22 Basic program architecture Generate all possible moves (depth=1) Evaluate each board with GP individual Select board with best score (or stochastically decide between equal) Perform best move Repeat process with GP opponent until game ends (or until only kings left)
23 KRKR Endgame Each player has 1 King, 1 Rook “Toy” problem for chess endgames Theoretical draw (experts never lose this) Some interesting positions exist
24 KRKR Endgame - what needs to be learned (1) Avoid losing rook Don’t move to attacked, unprotected squares Vice versa - capture opponent’s rook if able Black to move – white loses Rook
25 KRKR Endgame - what need to be learned (2) Avoid getting king stuck in edges Again, take advantage if opponent does this Black to move – mate in 1
26 KRKR Endgames - Terminals Used in first runs: Is My Rook Attacked, Is Opp Rook attacked Is {My, Opp} Rook Protected (two as above) Is {My, Opp} Rook In Play Num Moves {My, Opp} king {My, Opp}-King’s proximity to edges Is Mate ERCs: ± {0.25, 0.5, 1} * MAX MAX = 1000 (empirically)
27 KRKR Endgames - Functions Boolean OR2, OR3, OR4 AND2, AND3, AND4 NOT Arithmetic - +, -, * Combined -, IF STGP For now, no “chess” functions, only terminals
28 KRKR Endgames - Fitness Competitive, Random-2-ways Each individual plays against k randomly selected opponents Each game counts for both players For each encounter Several games (typically 4) are played Short games - ~5-8 moves per player Each game starts at a random legal position Safe start - no piece is attacked at the beginning
29 KRKR Endgames – Fitness (2) Scoring method: Victory: 1-2 points Piece count advantage (theoretical win) – ¾ point Draw: ½ point After advantage – 0 points Loss: 0 points
30 KRKR Endgames – Parameters Population size - 80 #Generations Operators: Reproduction 0.35 Crossover 0.5 Mutation 0.15 (including ERC mutation) Termination – ~10-20 hours
31 KRKR Endgames – Results Every 10 generations, best individual played against: Best of generation 0 An opponent performing random moves Longer games: ~10-12 moves per player games Games were doubled – each player staring from both positions
32 KRKR Endgames – Results Bad results – no distinct improvement Several reasons: Arithmetic operations problematic – we get large numbers Mate not distinct enough (traditionally terminates the search) Boolean functions not clear enough Slow Runs due to large trees with repeating functions
33 KRKR Endgames –Improvements Boolean functions Divided to good and bad Example: Is-My-King-In-Check changed to Is-My- King-Not-In-Check Mate changed to 1000*Mate Added Not-My-Rook-Attacked-Unprotected and Opp-Rook-Attacked-Unprotected
34 KRKR Endgames – Results - Improvements Also consulted Chess Experts – added more: Is-Opp-King-Behind- Rook Split to Opp-King-Prox-Rook Opp-King-Behind-Rook Is-Stalemate (only kings left) Black moves and White loses Rook
35 KRKR Endgames – Results - Improvements Arithmetic functions canceled Although Still using floats for terminals Also divide to good and bad: NumNotMovesOppKing Theoretically justified – more “logical” search in literature Empirically - need more logical rules, and not : ( > (+ (#moves-k #moves-opp-k) 5.5)) Memoization – saves more than ½ the time
36 KRKR Endgames – Final Results Improvement Above 75% of games against random end in advantage or mate Still, too few mates, even when score for win is increased – difficult to learn move sequence Same against best of generation 0 (almost random) The main thing that was learned was avoiding getting the rook captured
37 KRRKR Endgames Example (right) Very good for white Black king exposed 2 rooks close Next move – captures rook (mate in 5)
38 KRRKR Endgames - goals One player has 2 rooks, the other – 1 Not theoretically drawn We want one generalized individual for all endgames and positions (Not one for each endgame): Each player needs to play both advantage, draw (KRKR) and disadvantage Terminals need to be more general
39 KRRKR Endgames - changes Terminals - changed and added to cope with changing state Material-Count (recall each rook = 5) Num-My-Pieces-Not-Attacked, since now there are more than 1 Is-My-King-Protecting-Piece and My-Officers- Same-Line to allow more complex considerations Functions If-Adv-Then-(left child)-Else-(right child) Eventually divided to 3 trees
40 KRRKR Endgames - changes Also added – comparing differences to parent node Boolean Is-Material-Increase, which compares to the parent node (board) Material decrease is not needed since considering only my move Not-My-King-Moves-Decrease to further use number of moves for king
41 KRRKR Endgames – Opponents Random forsaken; Best-of-0 still used but less Added new opponent – MASTER a program we wrote based on consultation with experts, highest being International Master Boris Gutkin, ELO 2400 (only about 3000 of those…) Used ~50 general positions and rules derived from them, together with scores for each Defined a strategy (“Expert”) accordingly Tested evolved programs against it Human competitive?
42 KRRKR Endgames – Fitness Test were conducted by assigning each player both roles for each position Fitness was refined – score effected by: Starting position (advantage or disadvantage) End result – win, loss or draw Adv position ending in draw receives a score of near zero Dis-adv ending in a draw will receive better than 0.5
43 KRRKR Endgames – Results Expert-defined performed extremely well against Random and Best0 Evolved programs performed generally as well as expert defined, sometimes better Percent of favorable results in game outcomes
44 Main Experiment – KQRKQR Most complex endgame we worked with Still theoretical draw Highly position dependant – “noisy” Larger trees 2 officers Queens Easier to mate
45 KQRKQR Endgames - changes Added – more “heavy” terminals (and components) Boolean Is-Not-Mate-in-one, most time consuming but necessary Boolean Is-My-King-Not-Trapped Not all king’s moves lead closer to edges Important but vague – usually happens with complex terminals My-Officers-Same-Line
46 Function SetComplex TerminalsSimple Terminals If3(B,F,F)EvaluateMaterialNotMyKingInCheck Or2(B,B)IsMaterialIncreaseIsOppKingInCheck Or3(B,B,B)IsMateMyKingDistEdges And2(B,B)IsMateInOneOppKingProximityToEdges And3(B,B,B)OppPieceCanBeCapturedNumMyPiecesNotAttacked Smaller(B,B)MyPieceCannotBeCapturedNumOppPiecesAttacked Not(B)IsOppKingStuckValueMyPiecesAttacking IsMyKingNotStuckValueOppPiecesAttacking IsOppKingBehindPieceIsMyQueenNotAttacked IsMyKingNotBehindPieceIsOppQueenAttacked IsOppPiecePinnedIsMyFork IsMyPieceNotPinnedIsOppNotFork NumMovesMyKing NumNotMovesOppKing MyKingProxRook OppKingDistRook MyPiecesSameLine OppPiecesNotSameLine IsOppKingProtectingPiece IsMyKingProtectingPiece Genome Summary
47 KQRKQR Endgames – New Opponent CRAFTY, second in the 2004 Computer Chess Championship (held at Bar-Ilan) Uses brute force methods; State-of-the-art search algorithms Specializes in Blitz games (typically 3 minutes per game) We limited to 5 secs per move, enough to scan ~1.5 Million boards with pruning
48 KQRKQR Endgames – Our parameters Used lookahead of 2 Typically ~5 secs per move Simple Minimax search, but not Alpha-Beta Played 5-6 moves per game Never cancelled a game, even if it started with mate-in-4 (which CRAFTY easily saw) Played each position 2 times, switching places ~100 games - reduce noises in starting positions
49 Results: Master
50 Results: CRAFTY
51 Multiple Endgames Aim for general-purpose strategies All endgames used during evolution Results: %Draws%Advs%Wins 6826 Master 7242CRAFTY
52 Sample GP-Endchess Tree 0: (If3 (Or2 (Not (Or2 (And2 OppPieceAttUnprotected NotMyKingInCheck) (Or2 NotMyPieceAttUnprotected 100*Increase))) (And2 (Or3 (And2 OppKingStuck NotMyPieceAttUnprotected) (And2 OppPieceAttUnprotected OppKingStuck) (And *MateInOne OppKingInCheckPieceBehind NotMyKingStuck)) (Or2 (Not NotMyKingStuck) OppKingInCheck))) NumMyPiecesUNATT (If3 (< (If3 (Or2 NotMyPieceAttUnprotected NotMyKingInCheck) (If3 NotMyPieceAttUnprotected #NotMovesOppKing OppKingInCheckPieceBehind) (If3 OppKingStuck OppKingInCheckPieceBehind -1000*MateInOne)) (If3 (And2 100*Increase 1000*Mate?) (If3 (< NumMyPiecesUNATT (If3 NotMyPieceAttUnprotected -1000*MateInOne OppKingProxEdges)) (If3 (< MyKingDistEdges #NotMovesOppKing) (If *MateInOne -1000*MateInOne NotMyPieceATT) (If3 100*Increase #MovesMyKing OppKingInCheckPieceBehind)) NumOppPiecesATT) (If3 NotMyKingStuck OppKingProxEdges))) (If3 OppKingInCheck (If3 (Or2 NotMyPieceAttUnprotected NotMyKingInCheck) (If3 (< MyKingDistEdges #NotMovesOppKing) (If *MateInOne -1000*MateInOne NotMyPieceATT) (If3 100*Increase #MovesMyKing OppKingInCheckPieceBehind)) NumOppPiecesATT) (If3 (And *MateInOne NotMyPieceAttUnprotected 100*Increase) (If3 (< NumMyPiecesUNATT (If3 NotMyPieceAttUnprotected -1000*MateInOne OppKingProxEdges)) (If3 (< MyKingDistEdges #NotMovesOppKing) (If *MateInOne *MateInOne NotMyPieceATT) (If3 100*Increase #MovesMyKing OppKingInCheckPieceBehind)) NumOppPiecesATT) -1000*MateInOne)) (If3 (< (If3 100*Increase MyKingDistEdges 100*Increase) (If3 OppKingStuck OppKingInCheckPieceBehind -1000*MateInOne)) (If3 (And2 NotMyPieceAttUnprotected -1000*MateInOne) (If3 (< NumMyPiecesUNATT (If3 NotMyPieceAttUnprotected -1000*MateInOne OppKingProxEdges)) (If3 (< MyKingDistEdges #NotMovesOppKing) (If *MateInOne -1000*MateInOne NotMyPieceATT) (If3 100*Increase #MovesMyKing OppKingInCheckPieceBehind)) NumOppPiecesATT) (If3 OppPieceAttUnprotected NumMyPiecesUNATT MyFork))))) Tree 1: (If3 NotMyPieceAttUnprotected #NotMovesOppKing 1000*Mate?) Tree 2: (If3 1000*Mate? NumMyPiecesUNATT -1000*MateInOne)
53 Summary Draw and better against Master-defined Draw against a world class opponent On limited conditions (not a full game, time,etc.) Shows deep search may have an alternative Fast, pattern-oriented search suggests more human resemblance Search and lookahead are still important
54 Future Work Add more pieces Improve evolution speed Parallel nets Stronger board representations Develop more cognitive models using evolution Search scheme space as well as game space Tackle beyond endgames Openings and mid-game General game concept schemas (?)