Action Plan for your topic here your school name here date of presentation here WARNING: Creation of an action plan without collaboration of faculty could be dangerous to your school’s health!
Set the Stage This slide should say something like: As you know, we have been working together to collect data on learning and teaching. Purpose of this presentation: capture our plans ensure we are all on the same page before we dive into the work.
Data on Learner-Centered Problem Using charts and/or bullet points, show the evidence for the learner-centered problem that you have collected.
Data on Learner-Centered Problem Show more evidence here.
Learner-Centered Problem State your learner-centered problem here: a problem of student understanding that your faculty identified after collaboratively digging into multiple sources of student data.
Data on Problem of Practice Using charts and/or bullet points, show the evidence for the problem of practice that you have collected.
Problem of Practice State your problem of practice here: an expression of a specific instructional practice that faculty believe, if improved, would make a major contribution to alleviating the learner-centered problem.
Statement of Solution One-sentence summary of what faculty are going to do to address the problem of practice.
What will we do? Identify the specific practices that faculty have agreed to implement.
What will we do? (continued) Additional space if needed.
What will we see in classrooms? Describe what will happen in classrooms when the solution is implemented.
What will we see in classrooms? (continued) Additional space if needed.
How will we confirm that classroom changes are occurring? Identify the kinds of data you will collect to see if practice is changing.
Where will we look for evidence of improved student learning? Identify the kinds of data you will collect to see if students are learning more.
What support will we need? This slide should say something like: Today’s task: Identify the support we will need to do this work Agree on who will do what when