Concurrency infrastructure in Eclipse 3.0
LifeCycle of a Job Possible states of a job: WAITING indicates that the job been scheduled to run, but is not running yet. RUNNING indicates that the job is running. SLEEPING indicates that the job is sleeping due to a sleep request or because it was scheduled to run after a certain delay. NONE indicates that the job is not waiting, running, or sleeping. A job is in this state when it has been created but is not yet scheduled. It is also in this state after it is finished running or when it has been canceled.
State transition of a job NONE (created) WAITING schedule() new RUNNINGSLEEPING schedule(delay) sleep(…) time_out | wakeUp() NONE (cancelled) cancel() NONE (finished) finish execution / done cancel()/ cancelled set
Possible IStatus for … ) int IStatus.OK = 0 this status represents the nominal case. int IStatus.INFO = 1 this status is informational only. int IStatus.WARING = 2 represents a warning. int IStatus.ERROR = 4 represents an error. int IStatus.CANCEL = 8 represents a cancellation
Job categories system job do not appear in the Progress view (unless the view is in verbose mode) and do not animate the status line. user job show UI affordances when running. show a progress dialog to the user with the option to be run in the background default job show UI affordances when running.