System for Engine Location Of a Web Train Paul Wimmer and Adam Weintrop Dr. Irwin and Dr. Schertz 2/6/06
2 Outline Current position on time line Accomplishments of last week Goals for next week
3 Time Line
4 Outline Current position on time line Accomplishments of last week Goals for next week
5 Last Week Added a second op amp gain stage Tried various filtering schemes to remove noise Changed wiring to help measurements Tested train on outer loop Changed DCC code to send long zeroes after sending instructions Code developed for I/O from multiplexers
6 Results SituationVoltage Train is idle on measured track V Train is idle on another not measured track V Speed 1 on measured track 2.3 V
7 Current Hardware
8 Multiplexing Code Main loop that polls each section of track -could become an interrupt A function that assigns a number to the section of track that the train is on Another function that compares the new section with the old section of track to detect relocation
9 Outline Current position on time line Accomplishments of last week Goals for next week
10 Problems to Address for Next Week Finish hardware (comparators, interfacing) Multiplexing hardware Testing hardware and software I/O