Eric Bong LCLS FAC Injector-Linac System October 27, 2005 Injector –Linac System Overview E. Bong LCLS FAC October 27, 2005.


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Presentation transcript:

Eric Bong LCLS FAC Injector-Linac System October 27, 2005 Injector –Linac System Overview E. Bong LCLS FAC October 27, 2005 LCLS

Eric Bong LCLS FAC Injector-Linac System October 27, 2005 Injector - Linac System Overview Installation – Progress & Emphasis Region Designs Diagnostics Gun, Linac & RF

Eric Bong LCLS FAC Injector-Linac System October 27, 2005 Injector and Linac Installation Dates (RF phase:  rf = 0 is at accelerating crest) SLAC linac tunnel research yard Linac-1Aug-Nov2006Linac-2July-Sep2007Linac-3July-Sep2007 BC-1 Aug- Nov 2006BC-2July-Sep2007 LTU Oct 2007 Dec 2007 DL-1Aug-Nov2006 undulator SLAC linac 21-1b21-1d X RF Gun Nov b24-6d25-1a30-8c E-Dump Dec 2007 Feb 2008 Inj Vault Jun-Jul2006 L0a&b rfgun Installation in SLAC Linac tunnel only during down-time Forces priority to components and systems in Linac housing Linac-X Aug-Nov2006 Linac Down: August – November 2006 July – September 2007

Eric Bong LCLS FAC Injector-Linac System October 27, 2005 Injector Installation Drive Laser June 2006 Laser Launch July 2006 Gun Region July 2006 Accel Region June 2006 Heater Region June 2006 Wall Region October 2005 Injection Region Aug-Nov 2006 Spect Region Aug-Nov 2006 Waveguide through wall and up penetration October 2005 Gun installation November 2006 Following Hot Test in Klystron Lab Injector Commissioning Start December 2006 Priority – Linac Housing Installation

Eric Bong LCLS FAC Injector-Linac System October 27, 2005 Linac 2006 Installation Quad + BPM, YCOR,XCOR, QE, Toroid Emittance Diagnostics. Bunch Compressor & Diagnostics Two short accelerator structures, refurbished Quads+BPMs,X&YCOR Linac 1 (L1) Electrons Bunch Compressor 1 (BC1) L1 design and details complete & in fab Short structures available X-Band design complete & in fab BC1 Compressor articulation design & details complete & in fab BC1 emittance diagnostics section design going BLM moved to SLAC design, two devices, need for feedback Must install during 2006 downtime Remove 5 S-Band Structures X-Band Structure (NLC) LX

Eric Bong LCLS FAC Injector-Linac System October 27, 2005 Injector Wall Region Spans through shielding walls separating Injector Vault form Linac Housing. October 2005 installation included pipes through walls and stopper installation of wire scanners, profile monitors and quad on Linac side of shielding wall. Device designs complete and in fab or on hand. Low risk for 2006 install.

Eric Bong LCLS FAC Injector-Linac System October 27, 2005 Injector Insertion/SAB Region Support modal analysis complete stiffened as result to meet vibration tolerance. Common OTR optics design late. Special OTR at spect end from ANL. Magnets designs complete. On order or received except spect bend. Chamber designs complete. Second least mature region design.

Eric Bong LCLS FAC Injector-Linac System October 27, 2005 L1 Region All detail drawings complete and part on hand or in fabrication less correctors Low risk for 2006 installation

Eric Bong LCLS FAC Injector-Linac System October 27, 2005 XL4 Klystron fabrication complete. Waveguide fabrication in progress. Structure support design complete & in fab Need LLRF, modulator mods Vacuum assy install required. Region operation not necessary for ’06/’07 commissioning. X-Band System (LX)

Eric Bong LCLS FAC Injector-Linac System October 27, 2005 BC1 Articulation Region Design Beamline segment from X-Band system to structure BC1-Out diagnostics section. Compressor articulation in fabrication at outside vendor. Fabrication halted and restarted to modify chamber to provide sufficient aperture for BLM. Manget design reviewed at vendor. Compressor diagnostics incomplete. Manpower added. Most risk in diagnostics package; collimator, BPM & OTR.

Eric Bong LCLS FAC Injector-Linac System October 27, 2005 BC1-Out Region Design Beamline segment from BC1 compressor articulation to structure Li21-2b. Downstream emittance section layout complete. Uses existing wire scanner, quadrupole, stopper and BPM designs with support stands modified to mount on accelerator lightpipe. Collaboration with UCLA on single shot bunch length monitor dropped. Design to be done at SLAC. Two devices to be built. See later talk. Design most at risk. Relative bunch length measurement required for RF feedback. SLAC Engineer and top physics support assigned to BLM project

Eric Bong LCLS FAC Injector-Linac System October 27, 2005 Injector Vault Installation of stub columns started. Water system design critical to commissioning start.

Eric Bong LCLS FAC Injector-Linac System October 27, 2005 Injector Waveguide Design Installation penetration-wall October ’05 Installation Vault & Gallery starting Spring ’06. Waveguide design complete, fabrication underway. Waveguide supports in final design. 3-D Layout integrated into Injector system assembly. Gun and structures fed from Li-20-6, 7 & 8 klystrons, T-Cav fed from Li-20-5d structure exhaust. Old waveguide runs have been disconnected from Klystrons.

Eric Bong LCLS FAC Injector-Linac System October 27, 2005 Injector Gun Region Installation July 2006 except gun November 2006 Component designs in check Gun in fabrication hot test to be performed in Klystron test lab must have priority Solenoid delivered Spectrometer bend design complete YAG/OTR optics package incomplete Base support design incomplete

Eric Bong LCLS FAC Injector-Linac System October 27, 2005 Injector Accelerator Region Installation June 2006 Dual feed structure in fabrication Quads delivered Solenoid due next week Need floor support design L0a and solenoid on common support girder to allow relative alignment in lab prior to install.

Eric Bong LCLS FAC Injector-Linac System October 27, 2005 Injector Heater Region Design Beamline segment Between Accelerators and Shielding Wall Installation June 2006 Undulator installation 2007 Transverse structure on hand. Quads received OTR actuator design complete need optics Bend magnet design reviewed at vendor Floor support design in progress

Eric Bong LCLS FAC Injector-Linac System October 27, 2005 Region Design Status (2006 Install) Linac Housing First Priority (due to fixed down) Wall RegionComplete Insertion RegionIn Process SAB Spectrometer RegionIn Process L1Complete LXComplete BC1Articulation Complete, BC1-Out In Process Injector Vault Second Priority Gun RegionIn Process Accelerator RegionIn Process Heater RegionIn Process

Eric Bong LCLS FAC Injector-Linac System October 27, 2005 Actions to Achieve 2006 Installation Goals Monitor P3 schedule against design and fabrication activities Monitor critical path to installation against device fabrication progress Analyze any schedule variance impact on installation Adjust assignments to recover from any schedule variance Complete Injector & Linac region designs Prioritize design activities based on downtime schedule dates Complete Gun fabrication and testing Receive & test vendor magnets Complete X-Band component fabrication Fabricate Insertion/SAB, L1, BC1 Articulation & BC1 Diagnostics Section Complete water system design and install Finish detailed installation plan, update P3 Complete commissioning plans, update P3

Eric Bong LCLS FAC Injector-Linac System October 27, 2005 Injector Design / Diagnostics / Gun & Linac RF Design Injector Design / Diagnostics / Gun & Linac RF Design Conclusion Progress is being made toward completing beamline and component design for 2006 installation supporting January 2007 commissioning but with some risk Priority of design activities must be placed on components to be installed in Linac Housing during 2006 downtime Injector Vault water system design and installation must be expedited