Marc Pinsonneault (OSU)
New Era in Astronomy Seismology Large Surveys We can now measure things which have been assumed in stellar modeling Three specific examples: Helium Absolute metallicity Internal rotation
Crucial for chemical evolution Limiting factor in near-field cosmology, stellar ages from Gaia… Atmospheres models have complex systematic errors; lack calibrators Interiors models have simpler physics….independent composition tests!
OPACITY Sound Speed measurements constrain the temperature gradient dT/dr related to related to abundance Bailey et al. 2008
Two scalar quantities are sensitive to internal abundances: Rcz, measures CZ base => O Ysurf, measures core opacity => Fe
Delahaye & Pinsonneault 2006
Basic method: Measure the acoustic glitch at the CZ base First order: depth set by the effective temperature and surface gravity Second order: metallicity
COMPOSITION DEPENDENCE ~ 1-3% change in the normalized acoustic depth per 0.1 dex in [Z/X] ! Y = deep CZ shallow CZ Van Saders & Pinsonneault 2011
HOW WELL CAN WE MEASURE COMPOSITION? -Can measure absolute [Z/X] to within 0.2 – 0.3 dex -More sensitive to composition in mean density space
Standard physics Fully mixed (no diffusion) Li dip K WHAT CAN WE LEARN ABOUT THE PHYSICS? If we believe the photospheric abundances and other observationally derived quantities... Example: Rotational mixing and the Li dip: Detectable at 3 σ with ~10 pairs of stars with our assumed errors
Rotation can have a major impact on stellar structure and evolution Mixing Structural effects Internal angular momentum transport is a difficult, and currently unresolved, problem Magnetic fields Waves Hydrodynamic mechanisms
Rapid AND slow rotators, Low Mass: Solid Body Spin Down Slow rotators, high mass: Solid Body models FAIL Rapid rotators, high mass: Solid Body spin down IMPLICATION: Transient differential rotation with radius in stars with shallower surface convection zones Denissenkov et al. 2010
Coupling timescales of order 100 Myr are needed to explain open cluster spindown NOT expected from naïve theory
Surface latitudinal differential rotation (photometry or spectroscopy) + Rotational splitting in dwarfs = Test of the universality of the solar convection zone profile
Mixed models permit the detection of core rotation in evolved stars Strong structural evolution in subgiants: Core contraction, envelope expansion Relatively shallow surface CZ => g modes sample the radiative core Sensitive measure of the transport timescale in radiative interiors
Red giants have deep surface convection zones Different rotation profiles in the convection zone predict radically different core rotation rates Rapid rotation predicted from detected rates in core He-burning stars (Pinsonneault et al. 1992) g-mode rotation rates can therefore test differential rotation in convection zones Rotation dependence Dynamo theory in a slowly rotating domain
Modest sample sizes => strongest role will be designing experiments to attack specific problems Search for science complementary to Kepler: Sensitivity (lower MS) Geography (different galactic lines of sight) Additional constraints (clusters, binaries, interferometric radii)