Dr Smita Shah Director Primary Health Care Education & Research Unit Sydney West Area Health Service Senior Clinical Lecturer University of Sydney Australia Initiatives and Community Approaches
Asthma in a Small World
Adolescent Asthma 1 in 6 adolescents 43% had asthma attacks 22% had severe limitation 22% smoked 78% missed school PG Gibson et al, 1998
Triple A Program Peer-led Entrusts young people to take the health messages Based on psycho-social theory Structured program Triple A Program Resource kit Asthma Friendly Schools Program
Medical Students Train as AAA Educators
Step 1: Training Asthma Peer Leaders
Take your medication before exercise Step 2: Peer-led lessons “ Take that cancer stick away”
Step 3:Asthma Skits
Does it work? Program tested in a large randomised controlled trial ( n = 1379) Improvements in: Quality of Life School absenteeism Asthma attacks at school Participant satisfaction Shah et al., BMJ 2001, Boulet et al., Evidence Based Medicine 2001
Comments from Peer Leaders Gained leadership skills and felt proud that I got the message across Knowing what to do if an asthma attack occurs How to help people with asthma Don’t smoke if you have asthma Organisational skills and the confidence to teach
Parents & School Staff Parents “It’s great to see teenagers taking responsibility for their health” “ …. has become better at managing her asthma” “ Should be a regular program in the school” Teachers “Students are no longer embarrassed to take their medications at school” “We no longer have emergencies at school” “ Benefits for the peer leaders were enormous” “ Reduction in smoking”
Summary Triple A Program Improves QoL Reduces asthma attacks and school absenteeism Seen as beneficial by young people themselves Sustainable Currently being trialed in USA (and Jordan) Resources soon available on Asthma Foundation of Victoria website ( Funding thanks to the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing
Triple A and Aboriginal Children Hard to reach population Can reache large numbers Empowering Beneficial for all involved Promotes local leadership Better communication skills “We got so much out of this program - and now my daughter plays netball and athletics and state championships and won a bronze medal for 700 meters”
Works for us – works for you
Questions Sydney Opera House & Harbor Bridge