ICS Annual Report Doug Burbank, Director F NEES initiative F Educational projects: Computer animations F Global project base F Researchers become professors F External funding
NSF’s George E. Brown Jr., Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES) F Next generation of Earthquake Engineering research facilities F UCSB NEES Award ($1.2M in 2002) to build two permanently instrumented field sites for monitoring ground motion, ground failure, liquefaction, and soil-structure-interaction F NSF funding to ICS ~$450K/year ( ) u Total: $5.8M
Garner Valley NEES focus: Soil-Structure-Interaction experimental structure Remote control of shakers and data acquisition systems coupled with streaming data will provide a unique research and educational facility for the earthquake engineering community
NEES Dedication: Summer, 2004
Speculated cause of Permo-Triassic extinction event Big Splash: Possible impact crater at Bedout
Atwater animations: Collision of India with southern Asia
Atwater animations: Ice-sheet growth and sea-level change
Undergraduate research (REUs) brings UCSB students to Nepal, New Zealand, and Antarctica Educational grants for mining data bases and animations Filmmaking NOVA: Nepal IMAX: Antarctica
Featuring ICS research projects Office of Research brochures on undergraduate research opportunities at UCSB
Featuring ICS research projects Office of Research brochures on undergraduate research opportunities at UCSB
ICS Research: 129 projects around the globe! ICS projects New sites in
The good news: Four ICS Research Scientists are offered tenure-track faculty positions at other institutions: Assistant professors: U. North Carolina U. Montana Associate professor: San Diego State U. Full professor: U. Aberdeen Two other researchers depart: Caltech N. Carolina State U.
The bad news: These researchers left with >$1.2 M in new external funding
New funds transferred to other institutions
ICS gnome Rising tide of need Arnold’s hard rock budget What, me worry? Like last year