NGAO Team Meeting Management Peter Wizinowich March 19, 2009
2 Presentation Sequence / Schedule Build-to-Cost (B2C) Review Results B2C Design Changes Preliminary Design Status vs SDR Plan –Why? Next Steps
Good Job!! B2C study has been an extremely efficient, cooperative, and productive response to the SSC’s request 1 st Draft B2C Reviewer Report
4 Compelling Science Preserved science cases seem very compelling Committee finds elimination in wide-field, d-IFU capability tolerable Science cost/benefits analysis shows that B2C changes preserve (and sometimes improve) excellence of narrow-field science
5 Credible Technical Approach Technical approach is a sound simplification of SDR concept Science instrument concept now needs to catch up We would like to understand… –Cost of additional instrument feeds –Cost tradeoff between combined and separate imager + IFS –More detailed study of imager capabilities and requirements (multiple plate scale?) –Potential performance (and future upgrades) for shorter wavelengths below 800 nm –Cost of implementing a fixed pupil mode
6 Credible Contingency Good bottoms-up approach to computing contingency Committee recognizes some persistent uncertainties –Laser operating in a variable gravity environment (pending results of ESO Preliminary design studies) –MEMS (pending demonstration of 64x64 device) –RTC? (recommend revisiting NFIRAOS comparison Functional contingency options should be developed if cost contingency remains uncertain –Develop a risk register, with decision points, and track it at each review –Possible examples include laser power, order of MEMS, phased introduction of tip/tilt sensors and PAS lasers Lab Integration / Test Schedule may also need greater contingency (pending development of schedule)
7 Unsolicited Advice Phased approach should be considered for the PDR –Can sky coverage capability be phased? –Can Strehl ratio (e.g. laser power) be phased? Can a unique science phase space be defined for KNGAO relative to TMT (not JWST)? More importantly, KNGAO is ready to proceed to PDR completion at the $60M cap
8 NGAO System Architecture Key AO Elements: Configurable laser tomography Closed loop LGS AO Closed loop LGS AO for low order correction over a wide field Narrow field MOAO Narrow field MOAO (open loop) for high Strehl science, NIR TT correction & ensquared energy X
9 Revised NGAO System Architecture Key Changes: 1. No wide field science instrument Fixed narrow field tomography TT sharpening with single LGS AO 75W instead of 100W Narrow field relay not reflected 2. Cooled AO enclosure smaller 3. Lasers on elevation ring 4. Combined imager/IFU instrument & no OSIRIS 5. Only one TWFS
10 AO Design Changes Summary A.Architectural changes allowed by no deployable multi-IFS instrument 1.LGS asterism & WFS architecture 2.Narrow field relay location B.New design choices that don’t impact the requirements 1.Laser location 2.AO optics cooling enclosure C.Design choices with modest science implications 1.Reduced field of view for the wide field relay (120” vs 150” dia.) 2.Direct pick-off of TT stars 3.Truth wavefront sensor (one visible instead of 1 vis & 1 NIR) 4.Reduced priority on NGS AO science –Fixed sodium dichroic, no ADC for NGS WFS & fewer NGS WFS subaperture scales (2 vs 3) 5.No ADC implemented for LOWFS (but design for mechanical fit) 6.OSIRIS role replaced by new IFS
11 Science Instrument Design Changes NGAO Proposal had three science instruments ($20M in FY06 $) –Deployable multi IFS instrument –NIR imager –Visible imager For the SDR we included OSIRIS integration with NGAO Science instrument design changes that impact the science capabilities –No deployable multi IFS instrument –Addition of single channel NIR IFS –Removal of OSIRIS (science capabilities covered by NIR IFS) –No visible imager –Extension of NIR imager & IFS to 800 nm
12 AO Optics Relay & Switchyard 150” dia SDR FOV reduced to 120” with new assumptions OAP1, upper level K-mirror rotator, upper level 140 mm Woofer DM LGS WFS focal plane OAP2 Tweeter DM OAP3 OAP4 LOWFS/dIFS focal plane NIR Imager focal plane NGS WFS TWFS focal plane Visible Imager focal plane FSM Fold down K-mirror LOWFS Boxes OAP1 OAP2 100 mm Woofer DM 25mm tweeter DM Switchyard mirror OAP3 OAP4 Science Instrument NGS WFS LGS WFS
13 Revised Cost Estimate Including all proposed cost reductions & new cost estimates: Inflation assumption = 2.0% in FY09 & 3.5%/yr in FY10 to 15
14 Revised Cost Estimate AO Labor Hours Including all proposed cost reductions & new cost estimates:
15 Cost Changes by WBS B2 C2+ A1 C3,C4 C3 C4,C5+ A1,C2 A1 C1, MEMS Use largest change as an example of cost spreadsheetcost spreadsheet
16 Cost Changes by WBS A1 B2
17 Preliminary Design Status vs SDR Plan $3479k PD phase budget –$455k FY08, $2000k FY09, $1024k FY10, includes $449k of contingency –36,000 work hours Through Feb. ~21% complete vs 46% expected to be complete in SDR plan –This does not include science instrument design Through Jan. we have spent $437k or 14% of budget excluding contingency versus 18% of work completed Why? –Unplanned tasks that have required management attention NFIRAOS cost comparison B2C guidance MRI & ATI proposals Addition of science instruments –Personnel availability (only X of planned Y hrs spent) Departing or unavailable personnel (DLM, RF, JZ, MB) Less senior management than planned –Unclear direction in some areas Primarily because of B2C
18 Actuals through Feb/09
19 Plan through Feb/09
20 Next Steps Revise & complete requirements (SCRD, SRD & FRD) –FRD process defined in next presentation Produce a plan to get from now to the PDR –Identify priorities & milestones –Incorporate instrument design –Include commitments from personnel & their management –Begin with revision we had produced in Aug/08 prior to new B2C direction (MS project plan & KAON) Manage the plan (post B2C review) –Ensure tasks are defined & agreed on –Systems engineering team needs to manage requirements & interfaces, & address systems issues to ensure tasks & process are well defined –Task leads & teams need to manage their task to produce deliverables, meet requirements on schedule & within budget –TSIP monthly reports to monitor progress & identify issues (technical, schedule, budget) –Bi-monthly team video meetings with some face-to-face working meetings
21 Preliminary Design Objectives & Deliverables Objectives. –Deliver documented designs for each system, sub-system & component, hardware or software, of sufficient detail to establish through inspection & analysis the feasibility of the proposed design, & the likelihood that the design will meet the requirements. –Present the project plan to completion, including a detailed schedule & budget. Principal activities –Design, prototyping, simulation and analysis. Key deliverables –Preliminary technical specifications, requirements for subsystems, a preliminary Operations Concept Document, Interface Design document(s), & a Preliminary Design report.
22 Preliminary Design Objectives & Deliverables 1 Science Case Requirements Document Observing Operations Concept Document System Requirements Document Functional Requirements & Interface Control Document(s) –AO system, laser system, science operations tools, science instruments –Managed within Contour database Preliminary Design Manual (the document to read to understand the design & performance of the NGAO facility – will start by generating TOC at sufficient level to define deliverables) –Flowdown of requirements to design –Solidworks & Zemax model(s) –Software design (RTC, non-RTC & science ops tools) –Performance Budget Reports (wavefront, EE, astrometry, contrast, …) –Science Performance Analysis Report Science Instrument Design Manual
23 Preliminary Design Objectives & Deliverables 2 Risk Assessment & Management Report Systems Engineering Management Plan –Project plan to completion, including a detailed schedule & budget –Phased implementation option(s) –Cost estimation –Justification for any procurements during DD
24 NGAO SDR PD Milestones YearMonthNGAO Project Milestone 2008MayPreliminary Design phase begins 2008OctoberFunctional Requirements PD Release MarchOperations Concept Document Release AprilExternal Interface Document Release FebruaryInternal Interface Document Release MaySoftware & Controls Architectures PD complete 2009MayLGS WFS Assembly PD complete 2009JuneLaser vendor identified & contract ready 2009JuneOptical relay/switchyard PD complete 2009SeptemberRTC Processing Requirements complete 2009NovemberLaser Launch Facility PD complete 2009DecemberLOWFS Assembly PD complete 2010FebruaryPreliminary Design Review April/09 April/10? Jan/10
25 New NGAO PD Milestones?
26 Instrument Development Imager and IFS for ~800 nm to 2.4 µm
27 Imager PD Phase
28 Imager PD Phase
29 Imager PD Phase
30 IFS SD Phase