Jose Chan FAC Review- Injector Laser Heater 6/16/08 1 Injector Laser Heater Undulator Jose Chan.


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Presentation transcript:

Jose Chan FAC Review- Injector Laser Heater 6/16/08 1 Injector Laser Heater Undulator Jose Chan

FAC Review- Injector Laser Heater 6/16/08 2 Injector Laser-Hearter Undulator Problems/Issues: Paul E. “Most OTR screens are unusable due to COTR (laser heater should fix this in FY2009)” PRD r2: “…produces Laudau damping in the bunch compressor chicanes in order to suppress potential micro- bunching instabilities that may be driven by Coherent Synchrotron Radiation (CSR) in the bunch compressors, and Longitudinal Space Charge (LSC) forces in the linac…” Engineer: Richard F. Boyce

Jose Chan FAC Review- Injector Laser Heater 6/16/08 3 Laser-Heater System

Jose Chan FAC Review- Injector Laser Heater 6/16/08 4 Status Received and tested four bend magnets, BXH Completed drawings for the vacuum chamber with OTR bodies and is in MFD Available in September 2008 Prints for the alignment stages are complete Undulator magnets are out for vendor quote Bids are due back on 6/25/08 Undulator design are being finalized Optical components are on order Start installation in September 2008

Jose Chan FAC Review- Injector Laser Heater 6/16/08 5 Beam BX magnet OTR with photo-diodes 9 period adjustable gap undulator

Jose Chan FAC Review- Injector Laser Heater 6/16/08 6 Summary Injector Heater design has started and stopped many time More complicated than original thought Very tight space requirement Magnets and optical components purchase orders are in purchasing group Final design packages are being completed Undulator magnet installation maybe one month late depending on magnetic measurements Expect to start installation of vacuum chamber in September 2008