1 The UCI Game Culture and Technology Laboratory : GameLab and Daegu City Cooperation Robert Nideffer and Walt Scacchi {nideffer, UCGameLab.Net 29 December 2004
2 Overview Our goal Opportunity areas Lab people and partners Current Game Lab projects Game Lab resources UCI-Daegu City/DIP partnership agreement Project deliverables
3 Our goals Establish cooperative research, education, and cultural interactions with Daegu City and the UCI Game Culture and Technology Laboratory. Establish UCI Game Research Center in Daegu City
4 Opportunity areas Game grid research and development Education and curriculum for advancing game culture and technology International game festivals (Alt-Ctrl 2006) Korea-U.S. game culture summit International research cooperation and visitor exchange.
5 UCI Game Lab People (Faculty) Art: Robert Nideffer (Director), Antoinette LaFargeArt: Robert Nideffer (Director), Antoinette LaFarge Computer Science: Paul Dourish, Magda El Zarki, Dan Frost, Walt Scacchi (Research Director), Andre van der HoekComputer Science: Paul Dourish, Magda El Zarki, Dan Frost, Walt Scacchi (Research Director), Andre van der Hoek Engineering: Tara Hutchinson, Falko Kuester, Joerg MeyerEngineering: Tara Hutchinson, Falko Kuester, Joerg Meyer ACE: Simon Penny, Bill TomlinsonACE: Simon Penny, Bill Tomlinson Cal(IT) 2 : Celia PearceCal(IT) 2 : Celia Pearce
6 Game Lab People (partial) Sky Frostenson: Art, Computation & Engineering (ACE) Adrian Herbez: Art, Computation & Engineering (ACE) Eric Kabisch: Art, Computation & Engineering (ACE) Eric Cho: Art, Computation & Engineering (ACE) Derric Eady: Studio ArtSky Frostenson Adrian Herbez Eric Kabisch Eric Cho Derric Eady Nick Urrea: Information and Computer Science Kenny Lai: Information and Computer Science Mirko Kiric: Information and Computer Science Alex Szeto: Information and Computer Science Dan Repasky: Studio Art Andrew Khoury: Information and Computer Science Young Kang: Information and Computer Science James Jennings: Information and Computer Science Annie Jiu: Information and Computer ScienceNick Urrea Kenny Lai Mirko Kiric Alex Szeto Dan Repasky Andrew Khoury Young Kang James Jennings Annie Jiu UC San Diego Supercomputer Center Steve Cutchin: Visualization Services Manager Natalie Rubin: Game Grid Website Developer Tak (Sunny) Chu: Game Grid Lead Programmer Steve Cutchin Natalie Rubin Tak (Sunny) Chu
7 Game Lab Partners UCI-UCSD California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology: Cal(IT) 2UCI-UCSD California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology: Cal(IT) 2 San Diego Supercomputer Center at UCSDSan Diego Supercomputer Center at UCSD UCI Visualization and Interactive Systems GroupUCI Visualization and Interactive Systems Group UCI Creative Interactive Visualization LaboratoryUCI Creative Interactive Visualization Laboratory UCI Institute for Software ResearchUCI Institute for Software Research UCI Arts, Computation, and Engineering ProgramUCI Arts, Computation, and Engineering Program Sun MicrosystemsSun Microsystems Butterfly.netButterfly.net Discovery Science CenterDiscovery Science Center Digital Industry PromotionDigital Industry Promotion and othersand others
8 Current projects Game research grid (Walt Scacchi) GLYPH, a game authoring environment (Celia Pearce) Heterogeneous game networks (Robert Nideffer, SDSC, and Game research grid) Discovery Science Center Learning Games (Nideffer and Scacchi) Virtual Raft (Bill Tomlinson)
9 Current projects Blah, Blah, Blah, network and cell phone game world (Tomlinson and Nideffer) Fantastic Voyage, a vascular navigation game (Joerg Meyer) Immersive Classroom (Falko Kuester and Tara Hutchinson) Spaceship Earth global environment simulation game (Pearce, Brown-Simmons, and Zender) Alt-Ctrl 2004 Game Art Festival (Nideffer, Pearce, LaFarge)
10 Game Lab resources UCI Game Lab spans multiple lab spaces/rooms across multiple buildings –Between 20,000-30,000ft 2 in total, including 2 immersive classrooms, but not meeting rooms, classrooms, or lecture halls. Computing resource plan for : –35 large (50”) and 100 small (17-20”) LCD displays –18 LCD data projectors/RPTVs and supporting materials/supplies (projection screens, projector bulbs, etc.) –85 PC workstations (>3Ghz, >1GB memory, >100GB disk, >128MB graphics), 15 handheld PC/Cell phones. –3 Server clusters (each with nodes) –4 Digital video/HD production and editing workstations, cameras, recorders, and supporting studio equipment –10Gbps campus-wide networking
11 Moving towards a UCI-Daegu City/DIP partnership agreement Goal is to establish a UCI Game Research Center in Daegu City that actively cooperates with UCI Game Lab –Human Resources for Daegu City GRC Director Research director and project coordinator Project leader for each active project –Project leader may come from industry/DIP partner Industrial relations/partners coordinator Events coordinator GRC equipment operations and support personnel –Director should be full time, others may be part/full time depending on work load. –UCI GL will recruit UCI GRC Director UCI GRC in Daegu City will be locally funded and managed with resources separate from the UCI GL, but both will be funded by sources from Daegu City/DIP industrial partners.
12 Moving towards a UCI-Daegu City/DIP partnership agreement UCI Game Lab needs to receive a “request for proposal” from Daegu City/DIP to initiate formal agreement UCI GL will respond with “proposal” identifying UCI faculty and staff, schedule, statement of work, project deliverables, and budget. Daegu City/DIP will provide written approval or will renegotiate proposal terms, until approval. UCI Game Lab will commence effort once written approval and funding commitment is received. University of California (not UCI GL) will own any patents or inventions resulting from R&D efforts at UCI GL, but UC will offer very favorable licenses to industrial sponsors, if any All other software, hardware, networking, game content, technical reports, or related materials will be subject to national or international copyright agreements between participants who actively contribute to their development.
13 UCI GL-Daegu City/DIP Project Deliverables R&D prototypes and technical reports –Games, game worlds, and game systems International research workshops and education workshops held in Daegu City –Educated and experienced game developers based in Daegu City/DIP partners International game art/culture festivals and conferences held in Daegu City Facilitation of Korean-U.S. industrial partnerships
14 Closing remarks We welcome your questions and comments. Please contact us if you have any questions. We want to explore with you the Opportunity Areas and how we might best pursue them with Daegu City/DIP