Communication I: Barriers PROJECT PROPOSAL DUE TODAY (coffee hour today after class) (come see me if you lost an “action watch” in lecture last week)
Authentic (Full exchange) Manipulative (Objectives not Shared) (planned, Natural (spontaneous) Deliberate thought-out) Self presentation Social influence Motivation Power C D Relationships 2D Space
Exercising power Informal –Relationships –Speech and communication styles Subtle but potent Strategic –Design: networks –Skills: communication
Why communication matters Organizations as systems of information exchange Technology –Changes “How” –Marginally changes “Who”, “When” –Doesn’t change “What”
“Authentic” Communication Definition: exchange of all relevant thoughts and feelings Relevant Cognitive and affective
Rejection letter (Chinese economic journal) “We have read your manuscript with boundless delight. If we were to publish your paper, it would be impossible for us to publish any work of lower standard. And as it is unthinkable that in the next thousand years we shall see its equal, we are, to our regret, compelled to return your divine composition, and to beg you a thousand times to overlook our short sight and timidity”
Inauthentic communication Criticisms –Negative performance: Sandwiching –Bad news:Shooting the messenger Requests –For information: newcomers –For feedback: negative feedback –For help: Hubble Space Telescope
Mostly face work Upward, downward, lateral Nonverbals Differences across cultures, ethnicity, gender, personality Barriers to communication
Barriers 1: Facework Edgar: If e’er your Grace had speech with man so poor, Hear me one word King Lear, V, i, 38
Facework Prevalent: Majority of our speech Reading between the lines Failure: –Social faux pas –Ineffective performance –Bernie Goetz
Barriers 2: Direction A B C D Upward Downward Lateral
Screens across directions Upward –Bad news –Opportunities for changes Downward –Mission and goals –Feedback Lateral –Functionally-specific –Social comparison and competition
Barriers 3: Nonverbals Most informative –Leakage hierarchy –“Thin slices” Problems with interpretation –Molecular versus molar –Basic emotions only
Barriers 4: Differences across cultures Koreans Nonverbal Cues Good News Bad News Americans Nonverbal Cues SubordinateBoss Koreans Americans
Differences across gender Females Verbal Cues PeerBoss Males
Authentic Communication? Experimenting Opening Owning Not experimenting Not opening Not owning NATURALLY OCCURING BEHAVIORS IN ORGANZIATIONS 3,600 34,000
Authentic (Full exchange) Manipulative (Objectives not Shared) (planned, Natural (spontaneous) Deliberate thought-out) Self presentation Social influence Motivation Power Not a lot If you want it, have to design it Relationships 2D Space