SSRL Overview Joachim Stöhr, SSRL Director User Meeting October 2006
SSRL Management and 2006 Actions
SSRL Organization Matt Padilla
Proposal Review Panel (PRP): Joy Andrews, Cal. State (SSRL-UEC Chair) Nora Berrah, W. Michigan Univ. Gareth Derbyshire, CCLRC/Diamond Wolfgang Eberhardt, BESSY Chi-Chang Kao, BNL Howard Padmore, ALS Geraldine Richmond, U. Oregon, CHAIR Leonid Rivkin, Swiss Light Source Cyrus Safinya, UCSB Gopal Shenoy, APS Soichi Wakatsuki, Photon Factory Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC): = PRP members plus New PRP Format & SSRL SAC Structural Molecular Biology & Biophysics Michel Koch (Chair), Robert Scott, Chris Hill, Ron Stenkamp Molecular Environmental & Interface Science John Zacara (Chair), Sam Traina Mat-1: Structure, Reactivity & Self-Assembly Sarah Tolbert (Chair), Russell Chianelli, Mat-2: Electr.& Magn. Properties & Surf. Sci. Torgny Gustafsson (Chair), Franz Himpsel, Vic Henrich Instrumentation/Other Russell Chianelli (Chair)
SAC Recommendations, 1 st Meeting July 17-18, 2006 Increase Beam Line Staff – see directorate action below The SAC was very impressed with the caliber of staff scientists The most important issue at this time is adequate staffing of beam lines SAC will look at this issue in more detail at the next meeting Involve User Community in Planning -- SSRLUO meeting on Friday at 2:00pm Increase involvement of the user community in the development of new SSRL facilities Solicit scientific ideas and organize workshops Example: environmental science, assure that SSRL maintains its leadership position in this field Ensure Continued Growth of Structural Biology Program – see next item One of SSRL’s strengths Ensure continued support and development of facilities SAC will look at this issue in more detail at the next meeting Develop SSRL Strategic Plan – see directorate action below Director to develop a 5-year Strategic Plan in consultation with SAC, users, and SLAC management 2 parts: Scientific Plan & Implementation Plan Include a financial model, plans for increased staffing, timetable for implementation of major projects Next SAC meeting February 15-16, 2007
Charge to Task Force: Identify important issues in recruitment Address issues of career development within SLAC Address issue of PI-ship Address optimal organization of scientific staff within SSRL Management Response to Task Force Recommendations (implemented and in process) Establish parity of SSRL salaries with like labs Allow and encourage PI-ship of staff on DOE proposals Establish career and promotion path for staff scientists – several staff levels Organize staff scientists in groups with team leaders Team leaders to represent scientists in Lab Management Group Team leaders to manage beam line improvement funds Increase scientific staff and beam line support staff Uwe Bergmann (chair), Sean Brennan, Serena DeBeer George, Ana Gonzalez, Donghui Lu, Katharina Luening, James Safranek, and Michel Soltis Task Force on SSRL Staff Recruitment and Retention -- Constituted October 2005
SSRL Facilities & Operation Status and Plans
BL2: 500 mA capable, silicon mirror and mirror mover from the old BL7-2 installed into BL2-1. Spot size of 200 x 400 microns. New photon position monitor BL4: Existing SAXS BL4-2 will continue to run – but limited to 100 mA BL4-1 and 4-3 side stations not illuminated Beam line to be rebuilt in new location in 2007 BL5: Small gap undulator chamber installed BL5-4: M0 mirror cooling and out-of-alcove components upgraded for 500 mA BL6: New x-ray microscopy hutch installed – see below BL7: Completely rebuilt in 2006 BL7-1 and 7-3 have new optics (mirrors, monochromators) BL7-2: sagittally focusing LN monochromator to be installed this fall BL8: New photon position monitor installed BL9: Replacement of masks, slits, filters, windows; BL9-2 LN monochromator; BL9-1 new focusing monochromator BL10:Installed new 500 mA masking installed; complements LN mono & new mirror systems installed previously 2006 Beam Lines Upgrades (red = bend, blue = ID) Summary: 83% of ID and 67% of BM stations are 500 mA compatible
Finish upgrades that were delayed due to FY2006 budget reduction BL3: Shut down. LIGA program terminated by mutual agreement with PRT “XAFS” program will be moved to a branch line on new BL14 BL14: Under design (Genentech/SSRL funded) 2 branches: Hi-throughput Macromolecular Crystallography and “Sulfur XAFS” Summer 2008 installation BL4: Existing SAXS BL4-2 will continue to run – but limited to < 100 mA BL4-1 and 4-3 not illuminated Beam line, with all three branch lines, to be rebuilt in new location in 2007 Both moves (to other side of the ring) facilitate future seismic upgrade of SPEAR3 tunnel with minimum beam line impact Beam Line Upgrade Completion
BL12: Structural Biology BL – in vacuum undulator Modified East Pit: double-waist chicane Summer 2006 installation and commissioning this fall Funded by Moore Foundation through Caltech New Facilities 2006 / 2007 BL12 in-vac undulator ~5.5 mm gap 7.6 m 2.2 m RFRF
Beam Line 12 nearing completion
Present: BL5-1,5-2: Soft X-Ray Speckle, Spectroscopy (now soliciting proposals) Reconfigure in summer 2007 into BL13: Soft X-Ray Facility – Speckle, STXM, Spectroscopy (DOE funded) New EPU on order, STXM sidestation under design. BL6: Hard X-Ray Microscope - TXM on BL 6 (NIH funded) – just arrived ***Session 4 - 2:30pm today**** New Facilities 2006 / 2007 (continued)
Link to BL11-2 Table New Beam Line Web Page under Construction
Link to Information on Molecular Environmental and Interface Science at SSRL
3/5/07 X-ray/VUV beam time requests due for /1/07 MC beam time requests due for Timeline Towards 500 mA & Top Off Injection User Operations Use Accelerator Physics (AP) days for Radiation Physics safety analysis, review & approval of 500-mA operation Design & modify PPS/interlocks for top off November December January February March April May June July Staff tests of 500 mA operation during AP Staff tests of top off injection during AP Selected user run at 500 mA, < 1 week per month Work with staff and users to determine optimal frequency for top off injection
Steps toward SSRL’s Future
Proposals to DOE-BES under Instrumentation Initiative 2006: High Resolution Photoemission BL 5-0 (D. Lu, Z.X. Shen) Small Angle X-Ray Scattering BL (M. Toney) Inelastic X-Ray Scattering and Advanced Spectroscopy BL (U. Bergmann) Multi-element, high count rate, energy-dispersive detector for BL 4 (J. Bargar) In Planning / Future Opportunities (workshops) : Improved detectors Time resolved facilities (some are part of PULSE Center proposal) ***Session am tomorrow**** X-ray microscopy (STXM) beam line 2-5 keV (MEIS, Biology, Medicine) Others - user initiatives New Facilities – beyond 2007
Another goal: in-vacuum superconducting undulator Funds requested from University as part of faculty development plan Possible source for: Inelastic scattering and x-ray STXM microscope both 1.5 m length
High Priority: SSRL beam line support staff CMS SMB Scientific support staff Technical support staff Duty operators 4 Total staff 48 SSRL exp. stations 25 # staff / beam line 1.9 All DOE facilities SSRL Need to hire 27 support staff to get to 3 staff / beam line
SSRL Strategic Plan 2006 / 2007 Assume President’s budget FY2006 FY2007 M$ Finish SPEAR3 BL upgrade program by end of 2007 SSRL staff level static for many years FY2007 budget allows for much needed growth Hire up to ~15 staff Beam Line Staff 10 Eng./Techn. 3 Admin 2 Start implementing facilities / instrumentation of 2006 DOE proposals Identify additional research areas / facilities through workshops (user input) Task force: “Beyond SPEAR3”, I. Lindau, R. Hettel co-chairs to address improved average brightness (short pulse) machine that serves SSRL user community