capture of electrons in traps photon pixel time = trap = occupied trap
capture & reemission of electrons capture & reemission of electrons pixel n e = density of free electrons n t0 = total density of traps n 0 = total density of occupied traps at t=0 n ec = density of captured electrons trap c n = capture probability e n =emission probability change in captured electrons -=
solution solution T = temperature in K k = Boltzman constant A = temperature independent constant E act = thermal activation energy for the emission of electrons = capture cross section v th = thermal velocity of electrons n e = free electron density
charge loss in Full Frame Mode 11 22 33 11 22 33 pixel 2pixel 1 shift from pixel 2 to pixel 1: 700 ns readout: 22.5 µs modelling collection of charge only under 1 shift = store m times with t = (700 ns)/m m charge loss: m n ec2 main storage under 1 with t = 22.5 µs charge loss: n ec1
charge loss in Timing Mode 11 22 33 pixel 10pixel 1 readout: 22.5 µs compared to Full Frame: collection of charge only under 1 shift = store m times with t = (700 ns)/m m charge loss: m n ec2 main storage under 1 with t = 22.5 µs but only every 10 pixel charge loss: : n ec1 /10 11 22 33 11 22 33.... pixel 2.. shift from10 to 9: 700 nsshift from 2 to 1: 700 ns
e. g. for column 1 CCD 4 model T measurement