Lund Online 07/10/2009 Ingolf Kaspar, Regional Sales Manager EBSCO Publishing
EBSCO's databases are accessible through EBSCOhost, an online system that combines superior content with a user-friendly, customizable interface with unique features for searching and retrieving information.
Database news
EBSCOhost 2.0 A Smarter Search Experience.
Taking federated searching to a new level
1.Enhanced Features & Functionality 2.Rapid Return of Search Results 3.World-Class Customer Service 4.Significant Cost Savings
EHIS can look like this...
...Or, EHIS can be accessed directly via links from the library’s website
Demo uid&user=openaccess&password=ehisent er&profile=ehis_open
The Ideal Discovery Service Fast, simple access to all of the library’s full-text content (electronic and print) –Journals, Books, Magazines, Special Collections Like Google Scholar but better: –Richer metadata and a full user experience (not just the starting point) Everything the researcher needs, in one place
Basic Discovery Index free of charge "100 percent of the records in Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete, MasterFILE Complete," and the other articles and abstracts of the major secondary databases to which EBSCO provides subscription access. Access to 330 database offerings, as well as further metadata associated with 35,000 journals and magazines via EBSCO subscription services
Add the search box for Discovery Service onto your library webpage next to your links for your library catalog, your e-journals list, and your database list
Incorporates results from the library’s catalog, including book jackets and other catalog enrichment
Vendor questions What type of resources do you offer on your platform? –Bibliographic as well as aggregated fulltext databases. –EBSCO proprietary databases as well as leading license databases available on multiple platforms. –Possibility to make further databases, e-journal packages, e-books, online archives, library catalogue etc available on the platform via Integrated Search. Are the resources (journals, ebooks and databases) available as a package or as single titles only? –All databases can be subscribed individually, but EBSCO’s database content linking capabilities make it very interesting to subscribe to a whole package from EBSCO. Do you allow course packs from any of your resources? –Our license agreements with publishers are under US Copyright Law. Course packs are not permissible without permission from the publisher. –The shared folder feature in MyEbscohost gives an option to easily distribute links to relevant material for example within a study group. Do you allow ILL and walk-in users? –EBSCOhost products may be used for ILL unless ILL is specifically prohibited by the publisher in the copyright statement within an individual record. –Walk-in users are permissible for on-site usage, not remote. Do you allow data-mining? –Via EBSCO Integration Toolkit, database content is accessible in XML format for enterprise search services/data mining. Do you offer metadata for Table of Contents for journals –EBSCO is launching a new service EBSCO DISCOVERY SERVICE, that makes metadata available. Are Counter statistics available? –Counter statistics are available, as well as specific statistics that customers can individually define through their free access to EBSCOs Admin module. –We are also SUSHI compliant ( Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative).