Parking Pal Presentation #6 Team M1: Anna Kochalko Chris Moody Hong Tuck Liew John Wu Project Manager: Kartik Murthy October 10, 2007 Schematic Review! Your digital parking meter of the future!
Status Project Chosen Options explored and eliminated Wrote Java Implementation Specification defined Verilog obtained/modified Test Benches Schematic Design Layout* Simulations
Encryption Block Parts in Encryption Block: 2x 16 bits register 16 bits Mux 32 bits Mux FSM(encryption) Encryptor (Small Encryption Block)
FSM Encryption
FSM Encryption (Wave)
Encryption Cell
Encryption Cell (Wave)
Full Encryption Block
Full Encryption Wave
Tickets Block This block is responsible for determining how much time a car has left to park, and whether or not a car should be ticketed. Major Components: –11-Bit Adder, 11-Bit Subtractor, 11-Bit Comparator.
SRAM Included in the following slides are simulation results for an SRAM cell and mult-adder block. Design decision made: Not pre-charging for reading because it makes it faster not more power efficient
SRAM Cell Wave
Overall SRAM
Full SRAM Wave
7-Segment Display Included in the following slides are simulation results for a 7-Segment Display block
Binary to BCD (4 bits)
Parallel to Serial
7-Seg Display Cell
Full 7-Seg Display Block
Full 7-Seg Display(Wave)
Overall Design Schematic
Things to Do Power FSM Layout More Layout