Narrowband Interference Detection in MB-OFDM UWB Shih-Chang Chen Institute of Communications Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
Motivation UWB coexists with narrowband radios Required to detect presence of narrowband radios Implement avoidance technique
NBI Detections Strong Interference When close to the transmitter Regard polluted sub-carriers as outliers Employ outlier detection algorithms Weak Interference Independent detection for each sub-carrier Joint detection for all sub-carriers
NBI Detection Algorithms Outlier Detection Strong interference Low complexity Random Signal with Unknown Parameters Weak interference Independent detection for each sub-carrier Model Change Detection Weak interference Joint detection for all sub-carriers
Random Signal Detection Tonal Interference Wi-MAX, sinusoid wave, etc. Autoregressive Interference General Gaussian random process signal.
Random Signal Detection
PDF under H1: It can be shown that to find the MLE of Po we must minimize:
Random Signal Detection By Neyman-Pearson approach, the detector can be shown that:
Tonal Interference Signal model:
Tonal Interference The covariance of tonal interference is:
Autoregressive Interference Signal model with normalized power:
Autoregressive Interference Can be shown to be:
Autoregressive Interference And we know: Or,in compact form:
Autoregressive Interference Multiplying both sides of compact form by their transposes and taking expectations, we obtain:
Performance analysis
Conclusion Random Signal Detection Tonal Interference. Autoregressive Interference Independent detection for each sub-carrier Model Change Detection Coming soon.