Ulrich Matern 2008 Phytochemistry Pioneer Award
Ulrich Matern, Connie Nozollilo, Mamdouh AbouZaid (Bonn, 1990)
Ulrich Matern, et al. (PSNA Annual Meeting, 1998)
Massuo Kato and Ulrich Matern (PSNA Annual Meeting, 2008)
Urea synthesis 1828 Friedrich Wohler
Adolph Wilhelm Hermann Kolbe 1818 – 1884 Salicylic acid synthesis
Arthur Rudolf Hantzsch 1857 – 1935 Coumarin synthesis (1886)
Coumarins Response to phytopathogens, abiotic stress, requirement of oxidation stress, and hormonal regulation
Furanocoumarins 8-Methoxypsoralen Heracleum mantegazzianum (Giant Hogweed )
ThyminePsoralen + UVA
Lactone Ring Formation of Coumarin. Brown, S.A. (1960) Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung 15b: [ 14 C]cinnamic acid [ 14 C]coumarin & 7-OH-coumarin
Umbelliferone:Dimethylallyltransferase of Ruta. Dhillon, D.S. and Brown, S.A. (1976) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 177:74-83 UmbelliferoneDMAPP Demethylsuberosin Psoralen
1986 – Differential response of cultured parsley cells to elicitors from two non-pathogenic strains of fungi. Microsomal conversion of (+)-marmesin into psoralen. Eur. J. Biochem. 161: Wendorff and Matern 1983 – Differential response of cultured parsley cells and elicitors from two non-pathogenic strains of fungi. 1. Identification of induced products as coumarin derivatives. Eur. J. Biochem. Tietjen, K.G. et al. Furanocoumarins
1988 – Biosynthesis of psoralen: Psoralen-5-monooxygenase activity from elicitor treated Ammi majus cells (psoralen + bergaptol). FEBS Lett. 239: Hamershi et al. – Elicitor-induced biosynthesis of psoralens in Ammi majus L. suspension cultures. Microsomal conversion of demethylsuberosin into (+)-marmesin and psoralen. Eur. J. Biochem. 171: Hamershi et al. Furanocoumarins
1990 – Accumulation of coumarins in elicitor-treated cell suspension cultures of Ammi majus. Phytochemistry, 29: Hamershi et al. – Induction of two prenyl transferases for the accumulation of coumarin phytoalexins in elicitor-treated Ammi majus. Phytochemistry 29: Hamerihi et al. Furanocoumarins
2007 – Molecular Cloning and Functional Characterization of Psoralen Synthase. J. Biol. Chem. Larbat et al – Furanocoumarin Biosynthesis in Ammi majus Bergaptol 5-OMT Bergapten. Eur. J. Biochem. Hehmann et al – Biosynthesis of Coumarins. Comprehensive Natural Products 1: Matern, Luer & Kruesch. – Medicinal Potential and Biosynthesis, Plant Coumarins. RAP, 13: Matern, U. 5-OMT
Flavone Synthase I Flavanone 3-β-Hydroxylase Flavonol Synthase Molecular Evolution Structural Biology O 2 /Fe(II) 2-oxoglutarate dependent dioxygenases
Acridone Biosynthesis 1995 – Molecular cloning and heterologous expression of acridone synthase from elicitated Ruta graveolens cells. Plant Mol. Biol. 27: Junghans et al – Acridone alkaloids from cell suspension culture of Thamnosa montana. Planta Medica. 60: Baumert et al.
Acridone Biosynthesis 2001 – Transformation of acridone synthase to chalcone synthase. FEBS Lett. 508: Lukarin et al – Native acridone synthase I and II from Ruta graveolens. FEBS Lett. 448: Lukarin et al.
Acridone Biosynthesis 2008 – Anthranilate-N-methyltransferase, a branch point enzyme of acridone synthesis. Plant J. 53: Rhode et al – Study and utilization of acridone alkaloids, the natural bioactive compounds from Citrus. Quoshu Xuebao 20: – Starter substrate specificities of wild-type and mutant polyketide synthases from Rutaceae. Phytochemistry 66:
Pioneers in Monolignol/Lignin Pathway Research Eric Conn (PAL/C4H) Meinhart Zenk (HCT) Werner Heller (C3H) S.A. Brown / R. Byerrum (OMT) Ulrich Matern (CCoAOMT) C. Grand / K. Fukushima (F5H) Stewart Brown (4CL/CCR/CAD) Georg Gross/ M. Zenk (4CL/CCR/CAD) Hans Grisebach (4CL/CCR/CAD) Michel Legrand (COMT) Holgar Erdtman ( monolignol radical-radical coupling/ dehydrogenative polymerization) Karl Freudenberg (monolignol coupling product identification) David Goring (spatial/temporal deposition of monolignols) Neil Towers (lignin pathway evolution) Lewis and Davin (1999) CONAP, Vol. 3, Lewis et al. (1999) CONAP, Vol. 1,