I make an effort to conserve water. 1.Yes 2.No 3.Sometimes
Precious Resource
Water Resources Availability. Access. Use. Types of pollution. Case study: developed and developing. Culture.
Scale Local: creeks and river. Regional: Puget Sound and Mississippi Basin. Global: Pacific Ocean.
Water Need 1,000 cubic meters/year. Growing food. Drinking. Hygiene.
Percent of access to potable water.
Accessibility One billion lack potable water.
Worldwide Water Use
U.S. Water Use in 2000
U.S. Water Use
(Some) Pollution Types Sanitation. Agricultural by-product: pesticides and fertilizers. Industrial by-product. Non-point urban runoff: residential and commercial. Particulates/sediment. Trash.
What do 700 million people in India not have access to? 1.Clean drinking water 2.A toilet 3.Sufficient irrigation water
Ganges River
Accessibility 2.6 billion lack proper sanitation.
Relative Water Quality
Pesticide Use
Mississippi Basin Drains 41% of continental United States.
Dead Zone: Gulf of Mexico 5,800 square miles
Non-point Source Pollution
Duwamish River
Duwamish Watershed Capitol Hill to Tukwila to West Seattle. 32 square miles. 3-5 billion gallons of stormwater/year. Sewage enters the river approximately 48 days each year million gallons/year.
Superfund Site 5 mile stretch of the Duwamish River. Fish and crabs 7x more cancer causing chemicals. PCBs in nearly all salmon. River bottom exceeds safe standards for heavy metals by more than 400%.
Duwamish River
PCBs and phthalates PCBs: group of 200+ industrial chemicals used for insolating and plasticizing Banned in 1970s
Eastern Garbage Patch Miles long. One million pieces/square mile. 90% plastic trash. 1 million sea birds choked/ tangled each year. 10,000 seals, whales, dolphins, and other marine mammals.
Goals of the Puget Sound Partnership include 1.Control Invasive Species 2.Water Quantity 3.Increase recreational use.
Puget Sound Partnership Shared strategy for Puget Sound. Six goals. Where are we? Where do we need to be? How do we get there?