Supervisor : Gil Zussman Dror Barash Eran Golani
A growing need for short-range wireless applications. A need of “Electronic Artists” to introduce their art to visitors in exhibitions. Creating a Piconet based on a PPP network.
Learn Bluetooth Technology. Learn Ericsson’s Bluetooth Stack. Characterize and define a network solution for art transfer on the PPP based Bluetooth connections. Implement this solution on Windows Be scalable for usage in future project on Windows CE.
BlueTooth is a protocol for wireless communication (up to 10 meters). This protocol defines communication procedures. Bluetooth has a level modularity equivalent to OSI. BlueTooth is based on a Master/Slave relations, while the slaves synchronize and respond to the master and its requests.
The Artist will be the Master, while the visitors will be the slaves. The master will choose who is the next slave to connect to by certain algorithm. It won’t connect to other devices who don’t work in this certain protocol. A management algorithm defines how to make the inquiries, connections, disconnections and when.
The algorithm is based on the data the master holds about its slaves and will ensure: It won’t send to a certain slave the same picture again. It won’t send to a certain slave if the slave got to the limit of pictures the artist defined. Master will connect slaves using Round Robin policy. Before each new inquiry, it will check if the Master wanted to stop application.
After a defined number of connections, the master will make a new inquiry. Disconnection will occur when the slave doesn’t want this picture, after a picture transfer or when the slave has gone too far from the master.
A Data Structure (DS) is defined for : Master DS for connection information: 2 linked lists (fond_list and present_list), which hold the relevant fields. DS for his art: a pointer array with counter and linked list for each art. Slave DS for the art it gets : a directory to save all files in it.
There is a different GUI for the Master and Slave: Master Setup – a file tree for choosing files and their priorities. Operation – starting the algorithm. Slave Saving mechanism – a file tree to choose where to save the files arrived. Changing directories is possible during the application operation.
We have taken into consideration in our design important architectural decisions: Separating main algorithm. Enqueueing policy (found_list and present_list) Round Robin sending policy. Definition of max number of pictures and max number of connections between inquiries. Power-saving: checks before inquiries and not removing the whole present_list.
Because of these decisions, the application is: Modular. Scalable. Simple and easy to continue from. Well-managed. Power-saving. Fair and avoids starvation. Avoids getting stuck because of vicious slaves.
Implementing on Windows CE. AVL or Skip List to optimize the search time. Bonding options in device removal policy (present_list). Checking and showing battery condition.
We have learned a lot from this project: Introduced to Bluetooth Technology. Improved our planning and architecture defining skills. Learned to cope with problems of hardware devices. Faced with software problems (such as COM Technology). Dealt with working with Windows 2000 operating system.