BUDGET PRESENTATION ACADEMIC SENATE – JULY 29, 2009 Michael Ortiz, President Ed Barnes, Vice President for Administrative Affairs Marten denBoer, Provost
General Fund Budget CSU budget reduction - $584 M. For Cal Poly Pomona, $584M translates to a $30.8M permanent base budget reduction Enrollment target for CPP reduced from 17,816 to 16,123 (9.5% -- 1,693 FTES)
Impact of $30.8 Million Reduction Fewer Class Sections Compensation Contribution Furloughs will make up about one-half of the reduction in 2009/10 Reduced level of service Permanent reductions to department and division operational expenses, including student assistants, travel, supplies and equipment
Next Steps Develop and implement plans to reduce the operating budget for the campus by $30.8 million Develop department and division plans for FY and
BUDGET PRESENTATION ACADEMIC SENATE – JULY 29, 2009 Michael Ortiz, President Ed Barnes, Vice President for Administrative Affairs Marten denBoer, Provost
Academic Affairs Budget Prior Year Base Budget$91.2 million Expected Reduction$20.3 million Resulting Budget$70.9 million Permanent Faculty Salaries$45.0M Temporary Faculty$7.4M Permanent Staff$12.5M Temporary Staff$0.4M Management$3.8M Assigned Time$1.1M Operating$4.3M Credit for Benefits Savings-$3.0M
Overall Measures Reducing course offerings to campus FTES Target for Estimated Savings: $5.7 million Furloughs for faculty, staff and administrators Estimated Savings $8.6 million Furloughs in Academic Affairs give us a year to work toward long-term solutions.
Additional Measures Additional Savings Needed$6 million 25% reduction in operating expenses beyond 25% already taken in This could include: General Operating expenses down$0.75M Student Assistants expense down$0.30M Travel expense down$0.10M Assigned Time funding down 50%$0.70M Total Savings Estimated$1.85 M
Remaining Gap$4.15 million Increase class size Raising student-faculty ratios about 8% - saves $3.5 million Use carry-forward funding One-time dollars