Reichert1 „ Der Bürger als Kunde “ ISO 9001 – 2000 Management System Stadtverwaltung Korneuburg Peter Reichert
Reichert2 Basic Reform Problems Bureaucracies do not know how to manage Money Bureaucracies use Resources unwisely Bureaucracies dislike Innovation, are self-sufficient and not Service-oriented
Reichert3 Natural born Bureaucracy = == ==== =
Reichert4 Performance Goals House of Quality Leadership Support RequirementSatisfaction Improvement CITIZEN
Reichert5 ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT Teamwork Qu – Management Front- Office QualityAvailability Service CITIZEN INTERFACE Information Capital Organization Capital Workforce Capital
Reichert6 Gap Between Mission-Vision-Strategy and Employees’ Everyday Actions MISSION Why we exist VALUES What’s important to us VISION What we want to be STRATEGY Our game plan EMPOWERMENT / PERSONAL OBJECTIVES What I need to do CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT What we must improve ?
Reichert7 Links Vision and Strategy to Employees’ Everyday Actions STRATEGIC INITIATIVES What are the priorities MISSION Why we exist VALUES What’s important to us VISION What we want to be STRATEGY Our game plan STRATEGIC OUTCOMES Satisfied POLITICIANS Delighted CITIZENS Efficient and Effective PROCEEDINGS Motivated & Prepared WORKFORCE EMPOWERMENT / PERSONAL OBJECTIVES What I need to do CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT What we must improve
Reichert8 The Principles of a Strategy-Focused Administration TRANSLATE STRATEGY CONTINUAL PROCESS ORGANIZATION ALIGNMENT EVERYONE’S JOB EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP Political Contract Executive Team Engaged “New Way of Managing” Accountable for Strategy A Performance Culture Mission / Vision Strategy Maps Balanced Scorecard Targets Initiatives Linked to Budgeting Linked to Pers.Mgmt Management Meetings Feedback System Learning Process Corporate Role Corporate - development Shared Services External Partners Strategic Awareness Goal Alignment Linked Incentives BSC ISO 9000:2000
Reichert9 Process Map Korneuburg CITY PLANNING, CONSTRUCT SERVICE Registry office, graveyard School, Kindergarten, Cultur
Reichert10 BSC ISO 9001:2000 Linkage to political Strategies
Reichert11 Citizen Active City planning Available Real Estate Realize Traffic Concept Low Tax Rates Improve Service Quality Promote local Economy Democracy& Participation Financial Maintain Self Preservation Maximize Benefit/Cost Expand Non-City Funding Grow Tax Base Communi ty growth Quality of Live Efficient administra tion Traffic Solution Economic Developm ent The Corporate Level Scorecard Learning and Growth Enhance Knowledge Management Capabilities Close Skills Gap Achieve Positive Employee Climate Internal Process Streamline Citizen Interactions Improve Productivity Increase Positive Contacts Secure Funding/Service Partners Promote Problem Solving Increase Infrastructure Capacity Promote Business Mix City Administration Strategic Themes Strategy: Five Themes
Reichert12 Making Strategy as a Continual Process Imbed the Strategy in Ongoing Management Processes Integrate Strategy with Planning and Budgeting Introduce the New Reporting System Conduct the New Management Meeting
Reichert13 Business as Usual (Continuous Improvement) WOW! Planning Gap Stretch Target Leaders Inspire Organization to Set Stretch Targets
Reichert14 Thank You for your patience!