Scholarly Communication Steering Committee Update Sept. 13, 2006 Scholarly Communication Toolkits A. Colby
9/13/2006 UCLA Library -- Scholarly Communication Steering Committee Update Scholarly Communication Toolkits The University of California Scholarly Communications Officers have recently completed work on three toolkits to help librarians discuss scholarly communication issues with faculty. Each includes pointers to resources and reusable handouts
9/13/2006 UCLA Library -- Scholarly Communication Steering Committee Update Economic Issues Surrounding Scholarly Communication Reasons faculty should care about the economics of scholarly publishing Factors that can cause economic instability Actions faculty can take and resources that will help
9/13/2006 UCLA Library -- Scholarly Communication Steering Committee Update The Role of Scholarly Societies in Helping to Improve Scholarly Communication Defines the parameters affecting the roles of scholarly societies in scholarly communication Identifies readings and resources to assist people who are gatekeepers or facilitators of scholarly communication Provides a best practices checklist against which the compliance of scholarly societies can be gauged
9/13/2006 UCLA Library -- Scholarly Communication Steering Committee Update Managing Copyright Defines copyright Explains why faculty should care about copyright Explains the impact of copyright management on scholarly communication Explains how to manage copyright
9/13/2006 UCLA Library -- Scholarly Communication Steering Committee Update Using the Tools Take a faculty member to lunch Get on the agenda of a faculty meeting Other ideas?
9/13/2006 UCLA Library -- Scholarly Communication Steering Committee Update Additional needs? What other information do you need? A fictional account of best-case scenarios Data on use and impact of articles in repositories, OA journals, by discipline FAQ for faculty GQA (Gnarly questions asked) for librarians Projection of where current trends in publishing will take us in terms of loss of access, collections, and monographic publishing What other support do you need? SC Blog with comments enabled to share librarians’ experiences handing SC questions from faculty and students Quarterly workshops on focused topics What other toolkits would be useful? Using information in the public domain Open Access Journals, including information on how they are funded Suggestions made by the attendees at the Scholarly Communication Steering Committee Update on September 13, 2006
9/13/2006 UCLA Library -- Scholarly Communication Steering Committee Update Feedback? Are these toolkits useful? Send comments to or