It’s Just a Tool!
“No matter how much we know about how to use technology tools, educational practice never will improve unless we have clear goals for what teaching and learning should accomplish and we see the path we want to take to achieve them.” -M.D. Roblyer
Identify Best Teaching Strategies Time to brag! __________________ “Beg borrow and steal” __________________
Ten Teaching Strategies Suggested by Research 1.Have students write about and discuss what they are learning. 2.Encourage teacher-student relations. 3.Get students working with one another on substantive tasks, in and out of school. 4.Give prompt and frequent feedback to students about their progress.
5. Make standards and grading criteria explicit. 6. Help students to achieve those expectations and criteria. 7. Respect diverse talents and ways of learning. 8. Communicate high expectations.
9. Use problems, questions, or issues, not merely content coverage, as points of entry into the subject and as sources of motivation for sustained inquiry. 10. Make courses assignment-centered rather than merely text- and lecture-centered. Then focus on helping students successfully complete the assignment.
What are your passionate objectives? ___________________________________
Measurable Objectives Students will be able to… ___________________________________
What teaching strategies will I use? Passionate Objective ________________ 1) Teaching Strategy 2) Teaching Strategy –______________________
“Each integration strategy should be matched to a recognized need.” -M.D. Roblyer
Choose the Tool Objective ________ Strategy ________ Technology ______________
Four Questions to Ask 1.Does the strategy help to build engagement and community? 2.Does the strategy lead to enhanced student learning? 3.Does the strategy fit my philosophies, priorities, and style of teaching? 4.Is it feasible?