10 th July 2008 Keith Sacre, Barcham Trees PLC From Research to Reliability Through Professional Alliances Keith Sacre, Sales Director Barcham Trees PLC
Keith Sacre, Barcham Trees PLC 10 th July 2008 Project Types From Architectural concepts..... to Golf Courses… To Gardens…To Street Trees
Keith Sacre, Barcham Trees PLC 10 th July 2008 Chain Saw Massacre (GLA, 2007) Prior 5 year period 39,924 trees removed 48,129 trees planted Net gain 8,205 trees There is no break down regarding species planted and this data only applies to Local Authorities in the Greater London Area.
Keith Sacre, Barcham Trees PLC 10 th July 2008 Barcham Trees Figures for Greater London ( ) Quercus robur Equates to 6 shade trees every km 2 Approximately 23% of trees are supplied into Greater London Quercus roburFagus sylvaticaAesculus hippo.Platanus hispanica Fraxinus excelsiorCorylus colurnaAcer platanoidesAcer pseudo. 9,700 Shade Trees were supplied
Keith Sacre, Barcham Trees PLC 10 th July 2008 Six species accounted for 40% of total sales ( ) Acer campestre spp specimens Prunus spp specimens Sorbus aucuparia spp specimens Amelanchier spp specimens Malus spp specimens Crataegus spp specimens
Keith Sacre, Barcham Trees PLC 10 th July 2008 Conclusions from the Barcham Tree Supply information 1. Significant numbers of shade trees are being supplied to be planted in Greater London. 2. The percentage of small trees accounts for a very large percentage of the whole And…………. The number of trees planted by Local Authorities has produced a net gain.
Keith Sacre, Barcham Trees PLC 10 th July 2008 But what does net gain mean? Approximate scale of 12-14cm London Plane (Platanus x hispanica) Given that a 12-14cm girth Platanus x hispanica will have a canopy volume of between 3-4m 3, how many would need to be planted to compensate for the loss of one of London’s fine Victorian specimens?
Keith Sacre, Barcham Trees PLC 10 th July 2008 Extrapolated figures It is possible to extrapolate if figures have remained constant: 96,000 young trees planted in a 10 year period. Given 24% loss rate *, 72,000 trees remain. Of which, 23%** are shade trees * Trees in Towns II (2008) ** According to Barcham figures
Keith Sacre, Barcham Trees PLC 10 th July 2008 Perception “Significant secondary/tertiary canopy cover is not present in the density that it should be.” Why is it then, if my perceptions are correct, that the secondary and tertiary canopy cover which could be expected given the number of trees planted, is not readily apparent?
Keith Sacre, Barcham Trees PLC 10 th July 2008 Planting Specification To my knowledge there is no nationally agreed model, specification, or standard which is supported by detailed empirical research to provide adequate guidelines.
Keith Sacre, Barcham Trees PLC 10 th July 2008 Planting Specification Why is this given the enormous resources being put into the planting of young trees???
Keith Sacre, Barcham Trees PLC 10 th July 2008 Trees in Towns II (2008) “ On average Local Authorities spent £1.38 per head of the population during the financial year 2003/2004. The range of this spending among LA’s varied considerably between £0.08 to £4.93per head. This was similar to the level identified by the 1997 survey.” “54% of LA’s reported that there had been no real change in their total tree budget over the past 5 years, taking into account inflation.” Paragraph 101 and 102
Keith Sacre, Barcham Trees PLC 10 th July 2008 Questions 1. How can we ensure that the lip service often given by Government and other budget holders or providers is actually converted into serious funding, guaranteed over a prolonged number of years, which would enable Local Authority Arboricultural Officers to convert their undeniable knowledge and skills into the results their own standards would naturally achieve? 2. Perhaps lobby for public tree population management to be a statutory undertaking recognising those publications for the national asset they actually are?
Keith Sacre, Barcham Trees PLC 10 th July 2008 Elm Ulmus ameriana Princeton At Barcham In the U.S.A Ulmus Accolade
Keith Sacre, Barcham Trees PLC 10 th July 2008 Dutch Elm Disease Resistance Breeding Programmes in the USA have resulted in Schmidtts Nursery in Oregon being able to offer 16 cultivars of Ulmus that exhibit resistance to DED.
Keith Sacre, Barcham Trees PLC 10 th July 2008 Where is the Research? Where is the research into the identification, breeding and cultivation of new tree selections in the U.K which in Jeremy Barrell’s words provide ‘species and forms that are likely to be most suited to the urban environment’?
Keith Sacre, Barcham Trees PLC 10 th July 2008 Tree Production Stem Taper Morus alba ‘Platanifolia’
Keith Sacre, Barcham Trees PLC 10 th July 2008 Questions 1. Where is the research to confirm or contest in relation to nursery practice and subsequent planting and maintenance procedures? 2. Are purchasers of trees, if modified production methods can be achieved, prepared to pay for the additional preparatory work necessary on the nursery by moving away from the ‘cheapest option’ analysis, which is so often the critical factor of tree buying, to an analysis of achieving the greatest success and the best value for money in the long, rather than short, term?
Keith Sacre, Barcham Trees PLC 10 th July 2008 Options Rootballed Inside a root ball Container Grown
Keith Sacre, Barcham Trees PLC 10 th July 2008 So…. Are the specifier’s of young trees aware of the varying production methods and their differences, the nursery practices essential for each to be successful, the different handling constraints of each method, the stress trees produced by each may be under because of lifting and planting and the condition of the root systems prior to planting?
Keith Sacre, Barcham Trees PLC 10 th July 2008 Where does the nursery fit in? Nursery Landscape Designers Engineers The Public Landscape Contractors Consultants Arboricultural Contractors Politicians Architects Landscape Architects Local Authority Planners Local Authority Tree Officers Developers Arboricultural Educators
Keith Sacre, Barcham Trees PLC 10 th July 2008 Conclusions Landscape Designers Engineers The Public Landscape Contractors Consultants Arboricultural Contractors Politicians Architects Landscape Architects Local Authority Planners Local Authority Tree Officers Developers Arboricultural Educators Nursery
Keith Sacre, Barcham Trees PLC 10 th July 2008 So, should nurseries be considered as part of main stream arboriculture?
Keith Sacre, Barcham Trees PLC 10 th July 2008 Thank you for listening.