Heat and Human Comfort HVAC CNST 305 Environmental Systems 1 Dr. Berryman 5bHVAC Introduction, Human Comfort4.39 Building Codes and Standards (3 hr)
Heat Simple molecular motion Heat Exchange
Principles of Heat Transfer
Methods of Heat Transfer hot water hot water cool air warm air
60°F 61°F 15°C 16°C 1 Btu 1 kcal [4.19 kJ] 1 lb water 1 kg water Measuring Heat Quantity
Sensible versus Latent Heat 60°F[15.6°C] 212°F[100°C] 212°F[100°C] 212°F[100°C] sensible heat latent heat
Radiant Heat Infrared radiation
Examples of Heat Sources Computer Light fixtures Coffee pot Sun People
Heat Generated by People
Surrounding Air Conditions What makes the body feel comfortable?
Factors Affecting Human Comfort
Next Time The Study of Air/Water Mixtures Reading Assignment Chapter 2 (Toa)