Texas A&M University College of Education eEducation Group
eEmpowerment Zone: What is the eZone? Comprehensive, web-based e-learning and professional development center Designed to meet the needs of several communities of learners Focused on providing instructional modules and integrated resources and tools that support teaching and learning
eZone Modules On-demand, knowledge objects that can be used as stand-alone resources or integrated into full courses or professional development programs Professional development & K-12 modules are currently available Incorporate feedback prompts and are designed around state and national standards
Ten professional development modules were launched and evaluated in Fall 2001 Modules are separated into program strands eZone Modules
Portfolio Strand Modules Designed to meet the needs of preservice teachers as they develop web-based portfolios Current Modules Offered : Web Graphics I, II, III Web Design I & II (Portfolio Development)
Alternative Certification Program (ACP) Strand Created to provide background and teaching strategies needed by science professionals to become teachers. Includes 31 lessons across 5 themes, ranging from classroom management to assessing learning outcomes
eZone Module Format All Modules Include: Learner Objectives Correlation with National and State Standards Hands-on, interactive project-based lessons or tutorials Assessments Some modules also include multimedia pieces, video simulations, and animations to enhance instruction
Sample Module: TrackStar I Introduction Components Getting Started Instructor(s) Audience Objectives Assessment Standards Navigation
Navigation & Layout Presentation of concepts Try This Formative Activities Use buttons & menu to navigate between pages Sample Module: TrackStar I
Instructional Video Clips (RealMedia) Audio Voiceovers Technical Demo Video (RealMedia) Interactive Feedback (Formative Questions) Assessment & Evaluation Interactive & Multimedia Features
Assessments Required for module completion Project-based assessments Multiple choice tests Web portfolio Module Assessments
Technical Video Sample: Web Graphics III Demo Videos Created in Camtasia Demonstrate actual steps of a process on the computer (animated screen capture) Require RealPlayer
Interactive Feedback Sample: Test Item Construction Try This Question is asked Select best answer Check your answer Receive immediate feedback
My eAccount Administration & Reporting System Facilitates remote registration & enables students and instructors to track student progress eAccount pages include learner progress data on module enrollment, completion, and assessment
My eAccount Administration & Reporting System Administration pages include information on users, learning objects, overall module progress, and customized news submission
Additional Resources eZone Quarterly Virtual Resource Media Center Virtual Break Room
NewsFlash Highlights educational and ed tech news, professional development and funding initiatives. Spotlight Resource Spotlights an educational resource or application. Powerful Practice Exemplary curricula, diversity responsive practice, and mentor programs are highlighted.
Virtual Resource Media Center A dynamic shared resource center for communities of learners that include pre-service and in- service teachers, administrators, library media specialists, higher education faculty, parents and students
Virtual Break Room Gives users a space to explore diverse web- resources, outside of structured instructional activities Take breaks in between modules or at any time, to experience the breadth, depth and creative power of the Internet
eZone Evaluation Learners are asked to evaluate each module they complete through submitting their responses to a series of questions and providing additional comments or suggestions
Next Steps eZone Supports Evolving Certification Needs – Supports an Online Alternative Certification Program for Secondary Science Teachers Broad use of eZone & iFolio Suite Across Teacher Preparation Courses (900+ Preservice Teachers)
eEmpowerment Zone: Who Are We? The eEmpowerment Zone was developed by the eEducation Group in the College of Education at Texas A&M University. The eEducation team administers and/or develops resources for several state and nationally funded projects: Middle School Aerospace Scholars Program [MAS]MAS Technology Mentor Fellowship Program [TMFP]TMFP Ocean Drilling Distance Learning Program [OD-DLP]OD-DLP NSBRI Middle School Science Curricula [NSBRI]NSBRI
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