Enables future missions such as autonomous geology, life seeking and polar exploration ROBOTIC SEARCH FOR ANTARCTIC METEORITES NASA and CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITYhttp://
Robotic Antarctic Meteorite Search Q1-Q2 FY00 Nomad found and classified 5 indigenous meteorites Demonstrated autonomous search and in situ classification of rock samples Validated Science Autonomy –Search architecture –Multi-sensor automatic classification with learning –Interwoven sensing, driving, and manipulation 76 º S, 157 º E
Autonomous Meteorite Search and In Situ Classification Nomad finds meteorite Acquires hi-res image Deploys science arm Places spectrometerAcquires spectrum and classifies Human collects meteorite January 22, m, 157 min 8 rocks classified 10 m Meteorite Logs meteorite location Broadcasts find
Science Autonomy Architecture Frame grabber PTU Lens Controller Motion Controller DAQ Card Spectrometer Sensor Manager Target Acquisition Manager Navigation System / Obstacle Avoidance Physical Sensor Layer Action Coordination Layer Planning Layer High-Res Camera Sensor Driver Manipulator Sensor Driver Mission Planner Target Classifier Navigation Planner Target Database
Autonomous Search and Target Acquisition Blue / Green + Blue Intensity Ice & Snow Rock Robot Rock Segmentation Patterned Coverage Search
Autonomous Classification Technology Color Size Shape Hi-res Color Image 10%20% Definitely a rock Meteorite Uncertain 0%100%... Bayes-based Classifier: Confidence Estimator Reflection Spectrum Spectral Feature
First find – Jan. 22, 2000 Second find – Jan. 25, 2000Third find – Jan. 26, 2000 Nomad’s Meteorite Finds - 1
Fourth find – Jan. 27, 2000Fifth find – Jan. 28, 2000 Sixth find (probably native rock) – Jan. 28, 2000Seventh find (probably native rock) – Jan. 28, 2000 Nomad’s Meteorite Finds - 2
Meteorite Classification Spectra Wavelength [nm] Reflectance (misclassified chondrite ) (achondrite) (chondrite) 12387, 11331, (chondrites)
# sample spectra taken during expedition: over 200 (15 meteorite spectra) # sample images taken during expedition: over 450 # meteorites correctly classified: 5 Level of autonomy in demonstrations –Human intervention required for 9 out of 42 successful arm deployments (21%) –Human intervention required for 1 out of 57 successful camera deployments (1.8%) –Final visual servoing steps required manually lowering wrist to rock due to inoperative touch probe and varying rock sizes Results
Robotic search relevant to life seeking, autonomous geology and discovering the unexpected Robot as seeker and interpreter beyond data collector, relevant to deep space, far side and autonomous exploration Polar mission archetype relevant to Mars, Mercury, the Moon and Earth poles Meteorite search for extraterrestrial material on Earth, relevant to NASA planetary interests Significance