ELL GRANT PROPOSAL Starla Lester & Julie Maestas
OBJECTIVE: MEET Academic Yearly Progress (AYP) Population of ELL students has doubled in last five years The majority of ELL students are scoring below the standard of “meets proficiency” in the area of reading
School Demographics
Picacho Middle School EPSS SMART Goal 1: By the end of the school year, students will increase proficiency by 5% or more in Reading and Writing within content areas as measured by the New Mexico Standards Based Assessment. SMART Goal 2: By the end of school year , students will increase proficiency by 3% in numerical concepts and mathematical operations. SMART Goal 3: For the school year , Picacho Middle School will create an environment of high expectations as measured by attendance rate, drop out rate, school GPA, number of AIP’s, and a decrease in the number of failing students.
Three ways in which we will meet our objective First- Networked Rosetta Stone language acquisition software
Second: WYNN- a text-to-audio software program
Third: Technology will be used to support or scaffold classroom instruction. Community service
Time Frame July December 2009
Cost Estimate $87,000
Assessment Compare Picacho ELL students CRT scores with ELL students across the district