Forces Causing Future Development Demographics Income & Wealth Tastes
Required Capital Domestic Savings Foreign Capital
Capital Generation Direct Investment (Equity) Debt Capital Private-Public Markets Role of Securitization
How Will the “New” Economy and the Bricks and Mortar Society Mesh in the 21st Century?
Areas of Development Infrastructure Residential Commercial-Industrial
Distribution of World Population: 1950 and 2025 Source: Global Demographics, UN, %
Life Expectancy Source: Global Demographics, UN,
Projected Labor Force Growth Rate of Selected Countries: %, Annual Rate Source: World Bank
Birth and Death Rates: Selected Countries Per 1000 Source: WHO,UN
Household Size Source: UN
Density of Population: Per Square Mile Source: UN
Dependency Ratios*: Industrialized Countries Source: Global Demographics, UN, OECD % * Proportion of Working Age Population
Dependency Ratios*: Developing Countries Source: Global Demographics, UN, % * Proportion of Working Age Population
Adult Literacy Rates: Selected Countries Source: UNESCO %
Spending on Education as Percentage of GDP % Source: UNESCO
Share of Agriculture in GDP % Source: World Bank
Share of Industry in GDP % Source: World Bank
Energy Use Per Capita: 1998 Source: World Development Indicators Kg. Of Oil Equivalent
Power Consumption Per Capita: 1998 Source: World Development Indicators KwH
Television Penetration: 1998 Source: World Development Indicators TV sets per 1000 people
Science & Technology Source: World Development Indicators Scientists & Engineers per Million People
Computers per 100 Inhabitants Source: ITU, Milken
Communications: 1998 Source: World Development Indicators Telephone Lines per 1000 people
Crowding or Persons Per Room Source: UN
Urban Housing Space Per Capita: 1993 Source: World Development Indicators Sq.M