Data Linkage Graphical User Interface for Febrl Author: Changyang Li Student ID:u Supervisor: Peter Christen Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology Date: June 14, 2007
Agenda Introduction of Febrl Background Overview of GUI Technology required Demonstration Timetable
An outline of Febrl Freely Extensible Biomedical Record Linkage Release 0.3 The software has been developed by ANU Data Mining Group The software designed to provide three main functions to analysis data sets provided
Three Functions 1.Data Cleaning and Standardization The aim is to transform the information stored in the original data into a well defined and consistent form 2.Deduplication Removing the duplicate records 3.Record Linkage Comparing records and deciding whether they are a match or a non-match, or leaving the decision to the user
Patient Belconnen Record A Woden Record B ? Record Linkage Function
Overview of main steps for original Febrl The first one deals with data cleaning and standardization The second aims to perform actual linkage or deduplication The user needs to specify various settings in order to be able to perform a cleaning/ standardization/or a linkage/deduplication
Overview of GUI Why is GUI so important? The original Febrl can only be operated by the user who knows the command of the Python programming language It is hard and complicated to modify the initial data for the user The user needs to be familiar with the rules of parameters and the structure of original Febrl
Parameter: m_prob Maximum value = 0.99 If typing the value is bigger than the max m_prob = 1 Traceback (most recent call last): OverflowError: math range error
Functions of Graphical User Interface The main multi-panel visualizing parameters used in Febrl for users Inside GUI, rules of setting distinctive parameters have been set in. The sequence of setting parameters matches native processes of origin Febrl The GUI provides flexible ways for user to enter or modify the parameters for the date set The output result can be visualized to be displayed in the sub-panel The background processing is relatively transparent for user
The structure of classes for GUI The hierarchy of class diagram generally follows the relationship between wx.Frame and wx.Panel
How to implement background processing through GUI All parameters setting are recorded at real time After initialization, the similar Python modular code will be generated to be executed The Python code has the same function as the original Febrl one Such as
All of set paramters transferred to class of Process of function of CreateCode in class of The executable Python code The code used to replace one in the original Febrl Transferred to the project of original Febrl and executed. The output result will be generated to show in the GUI Setting parameters in the GUI The diagram of connecting GUI to Febrl Output results
Display of output results The structure of tree is used to exhibit the input and output. Users can choose any output showed in the tree of the left panel There are two sub-panels in right panel which display two different results of output
Technology needed Python: Python is an object-oriented and scripting programming language wxPython : wxPython is a GUI toolkit for the Python programming language. It allows programmers to create programs with a functional graphical user interface. Eclipse SDK plus Pydev : it is popular combination tools to develop various python projects including python GUI project. MVC: Model-View-Controller
Timetable Week 1~2 Familiar with the Febrl and preparing technology knowledge Week3~4 Initial presentation and Initial requirement report Week 5~6 Draft graphical user interface programming accomplished Week 7~8 Background process programming Week 9 ~10 Debugging and updating Week 11~13 Finishing the final report
Any Question ? Thank you
Acknowledgement Mysupervisor Mr. Peter Christen My academic supervisor Dr. Peter Strazdins My team member: Xiong Li