UNIX Process Creation Every process, except process 0, is created by the fork() system call fork() allocates entry in process table and assigns a unique PID to the child process Child gets a copy of the parent process image Both child and parent are executing the same code following fork() Need to invoke execve to load new binary file fork() returns the PID of the child to the parent process and returns 0 to the child process
UNIX System Processes Process 0 is created at boot time and becomes the “swapper” after forking process 1 (the INIT process) When a user logs in, process 1 creates a process for that user
UNIX Process Image User-level context Register context Process Text (ie: code: read-only) Process Data User Stack (calls/returns in user mode) Shared memory (for IPC) only one physical copy exists but, with virtual memory, it appears as it is in the process’s address space Register context
UNIX Process Image System-level context Process table entry the actual entry concerning this process in the Process Table maintained by OS Process state, UID, PID, priority, event awaiting, signals sent, pointers to memory holding text, data... U (user) area additional process info needed by the kernel when executing in the context of this process effective UID, timers, limit fields, files in use ... Kernel stack (calls/returns in kernel mode) Per Process Region Table (used by memory manager)
Process Characteristics The two characteristics are treated independently by some recent OS The unit of dispatching is usually referred to a thread or a lightweight process The unit of resource ownership is usually referred to as a process or task
Multithreading vs. Single threading Multithreading: when the OS supports multiple threads of execution within a single process Single threading: when the OS does not recognize the concept of thread MS-DOS support a single user process and a single thread UNIX supports multiple user processes but only supports one thread per process Solaris supports multiple threads
Threads Has an execution state (running, ready, etc.) Context is saved when not running Has an execution stack and some per-thread static storage for local variables Has access to the memory address space and resources of its process All threads of a process share this When one thread alters a (non-private) memory item, all other threads (of the process) sees that A file opened by one thread, is available to others
Single Threaded and Multithreaded Process Models Thread Control Block contains a register image, thread priority and thread state information
Benefits of Threads vs Processes Takes less time to create a new thread than a process Less time to terminate a thread than a process Less time to switch between two threads within the same process
Benefits of Threads Client/Server paradigm Server may need to handle several file requests over a short period of time More efficient to create (and destroy) a thread for each request Multiple threads can execute simultaneously on different processors
Application benefits of threads Consider an application that consists of several independent parts that do not need to run in sequence Each part can be implemented as a thread Whenever one thread is blocked waiting for an I/O, execution could possibly switch to another thread of the same application (instead of switching to another process)
Benefits of Threads Since threads within the same process share memory and files, they can communicate with each other without invoking the kernel Therefore, it becomes necessary to synchronize the activities of various threads so that they do not obtain inconsistent views of the data
Threads States Three key states: running, ready, blocked They have no suspend state because all threads within the same process share the same address space Indeed: suspending (ie: swapping) a single thread involves suspending all threads of the same process Termination of a process, terminates all threads within the process
User-Level Threads (ULT) The kernel is not aware of the existence of threads All thread management is done by the application, using a thread library Thread switching does not require kernel mode privileges Scheduling is application specific
Threads library Contains code for: Creating and destroying threads Passing messages and data between threads Scheduling thread executions Saving and restoring thread contexts
Kernel Activity for ULTs The kernel is not aware of thread activity but it is still managing process activity When a thread makes a system call, the whole process will be blocked For the thread library that thread is still in the running state So thread states are independent of process states
Advantages and inconveniences of ULT Most system calls are blocking and the kernel blocks processes. So all threads within the process will be blocked The kernel can only assign processes to processors. Two threads within the same process cannot run simultaneously on two processors Advantages Thread switching does not involve the kernel: no mode switching Scheduling can be application specific: choose the best algorithm. ULTs can run on any OS. Only needs a thread library
Kernel-Level Threads (KLT) All thread management is done by kernel No thread library but an API to the kernel thread facility Kernel maintains context information for the process and the threads Switching between threads requires the kernel Scheduling occurs on a thread basis, usually Ex: Windows NT and OS/2
Advantages and inconveniences of KLT the kernel can simultaneously schedule many threads of the same process on many processors blocking is done on a thread level kernel routines can be multithreaded Inconveniences thread switching within the same process involves the kernel. We have 2 mode switches per thread switch this results in a significant slow down
Combined ULT/KLT Approaches Thread creation done in the user space Bulk of scheduling and synchronization of threads done in the user space The programmer may adjust the number of KLTs May combine the best of both approaches Example: Solaris
Solaris Process includes the user’s address space, stack, and process control block User-level threads (threads library) Invisible to the OS Form the interface for application parallelism Kernel threads The unit that can be dispatched on a processor and its structures are maintain by the kernel Lightweight processes (LWP) Each LWP supports one or more ULTs and maps to exactly one KLT Each LWP is visible to the application
Process 2 is equivalent to a pure ULT approach Process 4 is equivalent to a pure KLT approach We can specify a different degree of parallelism (process 3 and 5)
Solaris: versatility We can use ULTs when logical parallelism does not need to be supported by hardware parallelism (we save mode switching) Ex: Multiple windows but only one is active at any one time If threads may block then we can specify two or more LWPs to avoid blocking the whole application
Solaris: user-level thread execution Transitions among these states is under the exclusive control of the application A transition can occur only when a call is made to a function of the thread library It’s only when a ULT is in the active state that it is attached to a LWP (so that it will run when the kernel level thread runs) A thread may transfer to the sleeping state by invoking a synchronization primitive (chap 5) and later transfer to the runnable state when the event waited for occurs A thread may force another thread to go to the stop state...
Solaris: user-level thread states (attached to a LWP)
Decomposition of user-level Active state When a ULT is Active, it is associated to a LWP and, thus, to a KLT Transitions among the LWP states is under the exclusive control of the kernel A LWP can be in the following states: running: when the KLT is executing blocked: because the KLT issued a blocking system call (but the ULT remains bound to that LWP and remains active) runnable: waiting to be dispatched to CPU
Solaris: Lightweight Process States LWP states are independent of ULT states (except for bound ULTs)
Operating System Control Structures The OS maintains the following tables for managing processes and resources: Memory tables I/O tables File tables Process tables
Process images in virtual memory
Location of the Process Image Each process image is in virtual memory May not occupy a contiguous range of addresses (depending on the memory management scheme used) Both a private and shared memory address space is used Location if each process image is pointed to by an entry in the Primary Process Table For the OS to manage the process, at least part of its image must be brounght into main memory
Process Control Block process pointer state process number program counter registers memory limits list of open files .
PCB Process Identification A few numeric identifiers may be used Unique process identifier (always) Indexes, directly or indirectly, into the primary process table User identifier The user who is responsible for the job Identifier of the parent process that created this process
PCB Processor State Information Contents of processor registers User-visible registers Control and status registers Stack pointers Program status word (PSW) Contains status information Example: the EFLAGS register on Pentium machines
PCB Process Control Information Scheduling and state information Process state ( i.e: running, ready, blocked...) Priority of the process Event for which the process is waiting (if blocked) Data structuring information May hold pointers to other PCBs for process queues, parent-child relationships and other structures
Execution Modes To protect PCBs, and other OS data, most processors support at least 2 execution modes: Privileged mode (a.k.a. system mode, kernel mode, supervisor mode, control mode ) manipulating control registers, primitive I/O instructions, memory management... User mode Proper mode is set via a mode bit which can only be set by an interrupt, a trap or OS call
interrupt or system call interrupt or system call CPU Context Switch process P0 operating system process P1 interrupt or system call executing save state into PCB0 idle reload state into PCB1 executing idle interrupt or system call save state into PCB1 idle reload state into PCB0 executing
Context Switching Basic Steps Save context of processor including program counter and other registers Update the PCB of the running process with its new state and other associate info Move PCB to appropriate queue - ready, blocked Select another process for execution Update PCB of the selected process Restore CPU context from that of the selected process
Process Scheduling Differential responsiveness Fairness Efficiency Discriminate between different classes of jobs Fairness Give equal and fair access to all processes of the same class Efficiency Maximize throughput, minimize response time, and accommodate as many users as possible
Scheduling Queues OS maintains queues of processes waiting for resources Short term queue of processes in memory ready to execute The dispatcher decides who goes next Long term queue of new jobs waiting to use the system OS must not admit too many processes on short-term queue A queue for each I/O device consisting of processes that want to use that I/O device
Ready and I/O Device Queues queue header PCB7 PCB2 ready head tail registers registers queue mag tape head tail unit 0 PCB3 PCB14 PCB6 mag tape head tail unit 1 disk head tail unit 0 PCB5 terminal head tail unit 0
Process Scheduling Queueing Diagram
Schedulers Short-term Scheduler Long-term Scheduler Mid-term Scheduler Also, referred to as dispatcher Long-term Scheduler Mid-term Scheduler Also, referred to as the swapper
Short-term Scheduler Dispatcher Dispatcher selects from among ready processes and allocate the CPU to one of them It selects the next process according to a scheduling algorithm It prevents a single process from monopolizing CPU CPU always executes instructions from the dispatcher when switching from one process to another
Long-term Scheduler This scheduler controls the degree of multiprogramming The number of processes in memory It strives to select a good process mix of I/O bound and CPU-bound processes If the degree of multiprogramming is stable, the average process arrival rate must be equal to the average process departure rate Thus, long-term scheduler usually gets invoked when a process leaves the system
The need for swapping Even with virtual memory, keeping too many processes in main memory may deteriorate the system’s performance The OS may need to suspend some processes, ie: to swap them out to disk. Two new states are added states: Blocked Suspended: blocked processes which have been swapped out to disk Ready Suspended: ready processes which have been swapped out to disk