PRE-CHRISTIAN EAST SLAV SOCIETY Practiced animistic paganism deified nature, many gods & spirits worshipped women’s reproductive power lacked institutional structure Perun domovoipolovoivodianoimother goddess
KIEVAN RELIGION & CULTURE CHRISTIAN KIEVAN RUS’ Form of Christianity = Eastern Orthodoxy Accepted uncritically from Byzantine model Place high value on aesthetics: Beauty = Truth = God Subject to Byzantine Patriarchate, but Russian Church had much autonomy
KIEVAN RELIGION & CULTURE CHRISTIAN KIEVAN RUS’ Structure of Russian Orthodox Church Metropolitan at head Two types of clergy: black = monks/nuns white = priests/bishops Church involved in many aspects of Kievan society Many pagan elements retained or incorporated into Christian practice
KIEVAN RELIGION & CULTURE KIEVAN CULTURE Oral tradition (folklore) Folksongs, proverbs, sayings, fairy tales Byliny or Stariny (epic poems) heroic & romantic feature bogatyrs (heroes) The Bogatyrs: Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets, & Alyosha Popovich
KIEVAN RELIGION & CULTURE KIEVAN CULTURE Written literature Developed in close association with religion: Canonical literature: prayer books, hymnals, illuminated manuscripts, chronicles
KIEVAN RELIGION & CULTURE KIEVAN CULTURE Written literature Developed in close association with religion: Canonical literature: prayer books, hymnals, illuminated manuscripts, chronicles Secular literature: poetry, ballads, tales Lay (Tale) of the Host of Igor Literacy fairly widespread
KIEVAN RELIGION & CULTURE KIEVAN CULTURE Architecture Wooden: reflect native folk traditions Stone: heavy Byzantine influence But developed distinctive Russian style Reconstruction of wooden church: Suzdal St. Sophia Cathedral, Kiev Hagia Sophia, Constantinople
KIEVAN RELIGION & CULTURE KIEVAN CULTURE Architecture Wooden: reflect native folk traditions Stone: heavy Byzantine influence But developed distinctive Russian style St. Sophia, Novgorod St. George Monastery, near Novgorod Golden Gate of Kremlin, Vladimir Assumption Cathedral, Vladimir
KIEVAN RELIGION & CULTURE KIEVAN CULTURE Art Close association with religion church mosaics & frescoes Frescoes in St. Sophia, Kiev
KIEVAN RELIGION & CULTURE KIEVAN CULTURE Art Close association with religion church mosaics & frescoes icons Christ Pantokrator (Byzantine) Christ the Redeemer (Kievan)
KIEVAN RELIGION & CULTURE KIEVAN CULTURE Art Close association with religion church mosaics & frescoes icons Vladimir Mother of God The Virgin Orans
KIEVAN RELIGION & CULTURE KIEVAN CULTURE Art Close association with religion church mosaics & frescoes icons St. George The Archangel Gabriel
St. Sophia (Kiev),