ACIAR-INDONESIA Cooperation in Fisheries Jakarta 21 February 2007 ACIAR Fisheries Program Outline
ACIAR’s Fisheries Program Major goal to improve the productivity and sustainability of fisheries & aquatic farming systems in partner countries and Australia through international research partnerships directed primarily at: –Innovative resource management approaches –Elimination of serious adverse environmental impacts arising from fishing or farming practices; –Better utilisation of existing harvests; and –The development of productive & sustainable aquatic farming systems.
Current ACIAR Indonesia Priorities in Fisheries (2002) Sustainable aquatic farming systems Stock assessment and management of shared and common-interest fisheries Management of inland open water fisheries including aquaculture Improved processing, packaging and transport technologies Technical cooperation to underpin post- tsunami rehabilitation of fisheries**
Some facts & figures 31 active Fisheries projects (4 small) in total Indonesia remains a focal country - largest program Indonesia: 28 projects over 20 years – 18 aquaculture, 10 capture fisheries 15 active or recently concluded projects –Aquaculture: 7 active, 2 concluded – Capture Fisheries: 1 active, 5 concluded Involving over 20 Indonesian agencies and 11 Australian organisations Key partners: MMAF- AFMR (6 centres); DGA (4 TIUs); DG Capture Fisheries; DG Resources & Fisheries Control; DG Fisheries Product Processing and Marketing; 5 Universities NACA
ACIAR’s Fisheries Program in Indonesia – priority areas I Policy options –Aquaculture – the focus is on the development of tools to assist farmers, planners and policy makers, particularly at local levels, to make informed planning decisions regarding the use of land and water resources for aquaculture –Illegal Unregulated Unreported (IUU) Fishing is a priority for Indonesia and the region as a whole Pest and Disease management – focus on small holder shrimp producers particularly extensive systems (BMPs) – improving diagnostic services to farmers through improved application of PCR technology – attention to new or emerging threats – Taura syndrome, Koi Herpes Virus, VNN and other marine finfish diseases
ACIAR’s Fisheries Program in Indonesia - priority areas II Productive Smallholder Aquaculture –Focus on high value species – shrimp, mud-crabs, marine finfish –Development of cost effective artificial feeds, with reduced reliance on trash-fish –Increased attention to market and market chain issues Sustainable utilisation & management of fisheries resources – Stock assessment and management of shared and common interest fisheries –Management of inland open water fisheries and the interface with aquaculture through co-management arrangements –Management of IUU Fishing
ACIAR’s Fisheries Program in Indonesia - priority areas III Agribusiness systems for eastern Indonesia (SADI-SAMR) –Four provinces – NTB,NTT,S and SE Sulawesi) –Mariculture commodities prioritized – Seaweed (4 provinces); Abalone hatchery/nursery technoloy; Mudcrabs; Lobster growout, Shrimp BMPs. –Feasibility studies initiated for some of above Technical cooperation to underpin post Tsunami rehabilitation of fisheries in Aceh –Assessment of needs and resource status of key coastal fisheries (WorldFish) –Technical capacity building, research support, to assist the rehabilitation of the aquaculture industry in Aceh (AusAID/AIPRD – ACIAR, several projects )
What have we achieved - some major impacts
Common Interest Fisheries Cross boundary Shared fish stocks; Indonesia Australia –Deepwater Snapper stocks –Sharks and Rays –Tuna
Common Interest Fisheries 6 projects and more than 12 years research cooperation Snapper- Stock status and extent of sharing better understood Tunas- data capture and analysis greatly improved for Indian and Pacific Ocean fisheries Sharks/rays- >150 species, 30 new to science. Identification Manual published. Role and importance in livelihoods documented. National POA drafted Fisheries management and stock assessment skills enhanced in Indonesian partner agencies (major focus) Research cooperation has facilitated formal bilateral dialogue re future management arrangements (MMAF/AFMA) with snapper as initial focus.
Management of IUU Fishing
IUU Fishing: Indonesia Major problem – $2 billion annual loss to Indonesia claimed. 2 Projects to date New awareness of scale of impacts on local economy Draft National IUU Action Plans Joint Indonesia Philippines study Celebes Sea – to develop Regional IUU Plan Increased Bilateral cooperation Review - new project recommended
Productive and sustainable shrimp farming Effective on farm management of disease risks Assessment of land suitability for shrimp farming and other forms of aquaculture Simple remediation methods for degraded shrimp ponds
Effective on farm management of disease risk for small farmers Suitable diagnostic services available to small producers (tools and expertise) Effective and affordable husbandry and risk management protocols developed and validated Extension focused study to improve flow of services and technical info to farmers (networks) Major new project to disseminate Best Management Practices (BMPs) to small shrimp farmers underway
Simple remediation methods for degraded shrimp ponds ASS soils wide spread in shrimp growing areas in Indonesia Acid leech water a major source of stress to shrimp and other aquatic fauna (disease trigger in ponds) Simple soil/pond treatments help improve production Diversified multi - cropping systems introduced Aceh project to transfer findings
Assessment of land suitability for aquaculture (shrimp) Improved planning for aquaculture VIP area of need (tools) Simple biological indicators for ASS soil conditions identified, site selection criteria established GIS based land capability maps for aquaculture
Marine Finfish Hatchery & Grow out New culture species Diversified & more profitable farming operations – backyard hatcheries Improved feeds and feeding strategies Regional R&D Network established through NACA
The Future: issues and challenges Some progress but need to more effectively capture impacts from past research investments. –Imperatives to broaden the partnerships to include district & provincial DPK, private sector, and relevant NGOs In Aquaculture Closer cooperation with DGA-TIU centres to adapt and extend research results more broadly within Indonesia a recognized area of opportunity –Joint research and extension activities –Joint meetings to share ideas and review progress and direction, regular training and info dissemination activities Extending technical information and planning tools to a large geographically dispersed and diverse industry
The Future: issues and challenges In Capture Fisheries Assessment and management of Indonesia’s complex multi gear, multi species, multi jurisdiction fisheries (data limitations) IUU Fishing – more awareness and attention to the “U”s Capacity building – training the next generation of scientists
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