“Extensible Business Reporting Language”: An Executive Overview Taipei, Taiwan – 4 August 2000 Zachary Coffin, XBRL Liaison Chair XBRL
Beginning Summer 2000 Members: Moody's DowJones PeopleSoft Wells Fargo Capital Printing Merrill Corp. BDO Seidman 10 University Consortium (Spain) Jetform FDIC (U.S.) DFAS (U.S. Dept. of Defense) Farm Credit Administration (U.S.) Mobley Matrix eCredit Datatopia NetLedger Liaisons: FEI (U.S. Financial Executives Institute - Committee on Corporate Reporting) FASB (U.S. Financial Accounting Standards Board) FASAB (U.S. Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board) Association of Government Accountants (U.S.) AIMR (Assn. of Investment Management Researchers) EDIFICAS (EDI Financial Reporting Europe) FIRM Council (U.S. Federal Information and Records Managers) ANSI X12 XML Task Group (the X12 Financial SubCommittee- EDI Standards) International Press Telecommunications Council
XBRL Germany – September 2000 In addition to current Steering Committee members: Deutche Bundesbank Dresdner Bank Deutche Bank HypoVereinsbank Postbank Rating Services AG Hermes Kreditversicherungs AG Haarman, Hemmelrath und Partner Bundesverband deutscher Banken Deutsche Verkehrsbank Savings & Loan Information Center Syseca Management Cons. DATEV
XBRL Macro Impact "The explosive growth of the Internet is not only changing the way companies conduct their business, it also promises to forever alter the way they communicate business performance.” - CFO Magazine, February 2000
XBRL: Extensible Business Reporting Language HTML is the language that opened up the internet. XML is the next step to using the internet for business. –E.g., RosettaNet – for the computer manufacturers supply chain –E.g., IMS Global Project – for the e-learning supply chain XBRL is a unique type of XML. XBRL enables financial reporting to be processed in internet time. XBRL is a universal e-business language for financial information, reporting and analysis.
Financial Reporting Supply Chain XBRL documents can be— –Analyzed and Prepared by Finance more effectively –Audited more efficiently –Exchanged with Trading Partners reliably –Published effortlessly –Reviewed by Analysts quickly –Retrieved by Investors and Creditors simply
XBRL Model: Financial Reporting Supply Chain External Financial Reporting Business Operations Internal Financial Reporting Investment and Lending Analysis Processes Participants Auditors Trading Partners Investors Financial Publishers and Data Aggregators Regulators Software Vendors Management Accountants Companies
XBRL Working Model: Planned Specifications External Financial Reporting Business Operations Internal Financial Reporting Investment and Lending Analysis Processes Participants Auditors Trading Partners Investors Financial Publishers and Data Aggregators Regulators XBRL for G/L Journal Entry Reporting XBRL for Regulatory Filings Today XBRL for Financial Statements XBRL for Audit Schedules XBRL for Tax Filings XBRL for Business Event Reporting Software Vendors Management Accountants Companies
XBRL: Interoperability & Multiple Outputs Other Sources of Information Cell Phones Intranet / Internet / Extranet Braille Audio Printed Financials XBRL Creditors Other Parties Investors Other Sources of Information Accounting System(s) XBRL Accounting System(s) Accounting System(s) Other Sources of Information XBRL
XBRL: Interoperability & Multiple Outputs Other Sources of Information Regulatory Filings Financial Statements Tax Returns Bank Filings Credit Reporting XBRL Creditors Other Parties Investors Other Sources of Information Accounting System(s) XBRL Accounting System(s) Accounting System(s) Other Sources of Information XBRL
XBRL for Industries Financial Institutions Information Providers E-Government
Financial Institutions—and their Users SMALL BUSINESS provides FINANCIAL INSTITUTION with their information in XBRL and receives loan approval in less than a day instead of two days—or two weeks. MUTUAL FUND COMPANY feeds XBRL information to its CUSTOMERS to reduce its costs and differentiate their funds as more objective and reliable investments An INSURANCE COMPANY uses XBRL information to efficiently assess the risk of a company or range of companies— –Belonging to different revenue levels –Located within an industry sector –Matched to historical patterns –Along multiple analytical criteria
Information Providers & Enablers FINANCIAL WEBSITE collects XBRL information and publishes to its online portal –Intelligent agents capture information –Information processed faster, better, and cheaper –Style sheets assemble data for presentation MAJOR NEWS ORGANIZATION collects XBRL information and syndicates that with its analysis to other information providers— –Maps information to its databases of historical performance –Builds more powerful analysis tools and presentations PUBLISHING & SOFTWARE COMPANIES publish XBRL information in e-books for consumers. –Information refreshed on a regular basis –Assembles data for comparative purposes –Dynamic linking to related topics
XBRL for E-Government HEALTHCARE COMPANY provides its Medical reporting in XBRL to the DEPT. OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES and receives its payments on a more timely basis. BANK provides call reports in XBRL to BANK REGULATORS and lessens its own costs for reporting. REAL ESTATE COMPANY provides its financial reporting in XBRL to AGENCY and receives approval for housing and urban development. FINANCIAL INSTITUTION provides reporting in XBRL to the FARM CREDIT AGENCY and receives lines of credit for FARMERS.
ENTERPRISE E-Commerce is a Interactive Supply Chain Orders A/P Delivery Customers Orders A/R Delivery Suppliers 2-way Transaction Creation
ENTERPRISE XBRL Adds Reporting to E-Commerce Investors Aggregators RegulatorsCreditorsLendersTaxWebsite ERP G/L Packages CRM Orders A/P Delivery Customers Orders A/R Delivery Suppliers 2-way Transaction Creation One way One way
XBRL Adds Reporting to E-Commerce ENTERPRISE Investors Aggregators RegulatorsCreditorsLendersTaxWebsite Transaction Creation ERP G/L Packages CRM Orders A/P Delivery Customers Orders A/R Delivery 2-way Suppliers One way One way XBRL BUSINESS REPORTING (e-)Commerce OTHER XML INITIATIVES
Searching for the word “Mercury” on the Web can provide search results such as-- Hg Content—without Context
Astronomy Aerospace Industry Music Industry Publishing or Mythology Chemical Industry Auto Industry “Content in Context” (Industry-specific)
4920 useless results in a typical search (“IBM Fixed Assets”)
XBRL Taxonomies: Development and Roll-out Today Within FY00
XBRL: Future Uses XBRL for Financial Statements XBRL for General Ledger XBRL for Journal Entry Reporting XBRL for Credit Reporting XBRL for Performance Press Releases XBRL for Risk Reporting XBRL for Regulatory Filings XBRL for Tax Filings XBRL for Assurance Schedules XBRL for Authoritative Literature XBRL for “Business” Reporting
Importance of Reporting ” John Chambers Cisco CEO Year End Earnings Release Call August 10, 1999 “ …[W]hat excites the CEO is the ability to know what the business is doing at any given point in time, react quickly to market shifts and competitive threats and remain in tight control while empowering employees to make informed decisions more quickly.
Additional Information Useful References –CFO Magazines article, “How the Web was Won” about Online IR –Scientific American article, “XML and the Second-Generation Web” –FASB’s Electronic Distribution of Business Reporting Information –IASC’s Business Reporting on the Internet –XBRL Website For additional information, please contact –Visit the XBRL website and/or feel free to— –Contact Zachary Coffin, XBRL Liaison Chair, (Download “Digital Reporting: Why Every Company is a Digital Media Company”) – –Contact Elmer Huh, XBRL Int’l Domain Chair,