Personnel cooperation in distributed courses Sanna Räisänen Tampere University of Technology Institute of Software Systems
Presentation contents activity system of a distributed course contradictions in the activity system what´s next questions for discussion
Activity system of a distributed OSCu course internet, communication applications, course material bank, teaching knowledge, project skills lecturer, assistants course contents, assistants course entity, topic knowledge, teaching skills OSCu rules, course rules personnel roles, university roles teaching community
Contradictions relates usually to actors, allocation of tasks and cooperation working in distributed courses requires both autonomy and cooperation
What´s next more careful examination of the activity system and contradictions in it ways to support the work and cooperation of course personnel defining the zone of proximal development
Questions for discussion How to examine all the levels in the work of course personnel: individual, group and community? e.g. in this case: the whole project level, a course level, work of a teacher...? Ways to use CSCW for supporting cooperation in distributed courses?
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