08/31/02PID TOP Counter R & D Status — PID and Physics — TOP Counter — R&D Status Katsumi Senyo Nagoya University
08/31/02PID PID and Physics B-> DK/D 85.2± ± ±3.8 B->K / Preliminary!
08/31/02PID TOP Counter Performance(K/pi separation) TOP ideal performance: Better than sig. 4
08/31/02PID PID and Physics Current PID devices TOP(expected perf.)
08/31/02PID Time Of Propagation(TOP) Counter x z y 20mm PMTs Fused silica(n=1.47) Reflection mirror 200mm A few meters
08/31/02PID TOP Counter MAPMT Crystal Bar 1m
08/31/02PID PID Devices (3) Cerenkov Counter A charged particle velocity greater than the (local phase) velocity of light →Radiating Cerenkov light Cerenkov cone half angle: cos = 1 /n
08/31/02PID DIRC(Detection of Internally Reflected Cherenkov light) and TOP Counter DIRC: Radiation angle -> X-Y position 1m1m TOP: Radiation angle -> Prop. Time-X position Both TOP and DIRC give a hyperbolic projection image of Cherenkov light. Time or
08/31/02PID TOP Counter L y z qzqz PMT Radiation anglePropagation time Short Propagation time: - like Long Propagation time : K - like
08/31/02PID What’s problem in DIRC? DIRC (cont.) Huge Stand-off Volume Is really such a dead volume needed? ~4m
08/31/02PID TOP Counter The 3 dimension information of the Cerenkov cone is resolved with time and x position at the cross section of the fused silica. 1 2 3 Readout Propagation times of 1,2,3 are different
08/31/02PID TOP Counter TOP x ( mm ) TOP x ( mm ) ( ns ) 30 photons observed in typical case. Unfolding
08/31/02PID Key Issues on TOP Counter R & D Good timing resolution(~100ps) on a single photon measurement w/ position-sensitive(~1mm) MAPMT. Precise fused silica bar production on geometry and smoothness (~ Å). Sophisticated analysis method.
08/31/02PID MAPMT R & D HPK R5900-U-L16 – Transit Time Spread~ 75 ps – channel width 1 mm Collaboration w/ HPK Insensitive region
08/31/02PID Fused Silica bar R & D Δt ~150ps even after 4m transition Improved Polish and Finish Previous Polish
08/31/02PID Time v.s. X plot (Beam test result) 2.5GeV/c pi2 line on Nov,2001. Good relation of photon propagation time and X position at the edge is observed as expected. Preliminary! 200k events concentrated plot
08/31/02PID TOP Counter – Installed in Super-Belle ( 4s ) → BB Installing Belle detector… r = 1m 30 < q < 140 barrel region P(K/ )
08/31/02PID Bar TOP v.s. Mirror TOP(MC Study) Separability > 4 in whole coverage of Super Belle
08/31/02PID Summary TOP Counter is a promising PID device at next-generation B factories. R & D is in good shape. Beam test results will be performed on Nov.
08/31/02PID DIRC (cont.)
08/31/02PID PID and B Physics Flavor Tagging - Determine a flavor of B P K < 1.5 GeV/c Rare Decays including K and - B->K / DK/D 2.0 < P K < 4.0 GeV/c
08/31/02PID PID System at Belle
08/31/02PID DIRC Improvement Focusing DIRC Photon Propagation Time SLAC-PUB-8989 The Next Generation of Internally Reflected Imaging Counters, Sep.2001
08/31/02PID TOP Counter (cont.) – HPK R5900-U-L16 time res. 75 ps channel width 1 mm 30 photons observed in typical case
08/31/02PID TOP Counter(Bar width) 22 cc cc cc cc K K K K 50mm100mm150mm200mm The bar width should be 200 mm or larger in current analysis scheme.
08/31/02PID TOP Counter - Application Detected #Photon : 30~100
08/31/02PID TOP Counter - Separability S = 10 Mom. p = 4GeV/c, = 90° ( L = 2m )
08/31/02PID Separability for B->