Cardiovascular System S. K. Kim
vessels lymphatic vessel capillary arteriole venule endothelium vessels smooth muscle adventitia lymphatic vessel capillary valves arteriole venule (1-3 layers of sm. muscle) (Incomplete layer of sm. Muscle) small artery small vein (3 or more layers of sm. Muscle) (thin layer of sm. Muscle) Longitudinal bundles of smooth m. in adventitia. Muscular (medium size) artery (media = adventitia) medium/large vein valves (media < adventitia) Arterial side vessels have a more regularly shaped lumen which is smaller in diameter, relative to the vessel diameter, than do the vessels on the venous side.
? ? Muscular artery vein Capillaries #100 , #102, #98, #305 #30 , #40, #42, #93, #95 small vein Myocardium ? Small artery ? venule Muscular artery vein arteriole Arterioles and venules #40 #95
Capillaries #098-1
Arteriole and venule #40 Arteriole Venule
#304 medium-sized artery and vein valves
Intima Media Adventitia #303 medium artery #303 medium vein I.E.L. E.E.L. #303 medium artery #303 medium vein
Artery Vein #92 Intima Media Adventitia Adventitia Media T. media: v<a T. adventitia: v>a Intima Vein
#92, muscular artery Intima: endothelium subendothelial CT Media: I.E.L. smooth m. collagen f. elastic f. E.E.L. Adventitia: dense irregular c.t. vaso vasorum
Vein #95 Longitudinal smooth muscle bundles
Aorta #36 (H&E), #88 (Aldehyde-Fuchsin)
Intima and media of the aorta Smooth muscle cells Elastic laminae (Subendothelial CT) Intima Endothelial cells
Vasa vasorum
#29 Lymph vessels (valves)
Blood and lymphatic vessels #29 Lymphatic duct Small vein
Netter pl. 201 Aortic arch Superior vena cava Pulmonary trunk Lt. ventricle Rt. ventricle Rt. Atrium and dauricle
Cardiac circulation and valves Netter p. 212 Ross, et al. p. 328 Aortic (semilunar) valve Tricuspid valve Papillary muscle Mitral valve Chorda(e) tendineae
#98-N (Right chambers) Coronary vessels Atrium Coronary sulcus Cardiac (fibrous) skeleton Epicardial fat A-V (tricuspid) valve Ventricle
A-V valve #98
Interventricular septum Aortic valve Aorta (wall) Cardiac skekeleton Tricuspid valve Chordae tendineae Papillary muscle Interventricular septum
Aortic valve and Left Ventricle Slide #100 Aortic valve and Left Ventricle Aortic Valve #102 #100 Mitral Valve Slide #102 Left atrium and ventricle
Conduction system Wheater’s p. 154
#99M Bundle of His
Bundle of His #99
Purkinje fibers #98
Cardiac muscle (fibers) and Purkinje fibers. longitudinal section Cardiac muscle (fibers) and Purkinje fibers longitudinal section Cross section