Teachers for A New Era Neag School of Education Alumni Survey Results for the Graduates of Teachers for A New Era (TNE) Assessment Committee Madeline Hale Sedovic Mary E. Yakimowski March 2009
2 Overview Participants Methodology Key Findings Next Steps
3 Participants Background Statistics Previous 2 TotalTotal SexN %N % Female Male Missing Race/Ethnicity White/Caucasian Black or African American Hispanic American Asian/Pacific Islander Native American Other Missing Primary Language English Spanish Other Missing
Participants 4 IB/MTCPCGBilingualMusicOthers N%N%N%N%N% Teacher Education Program Completed Overall and by Program
Methodology 5 Identify alumni from last five years Update online survey Develop letter announcing the survey and weblink Send out letter Send out follow-ups (by mail/postcard; by )
Methodology 6
Key Findings MotherFather N%N% Did not receive a high school diploma Received a high school diploma Earned a GED Attended some college Completed an undergraduate degree Completed a graduate degree Don’t know Missing Respondents Level of Education Attained by the Parents
8 M (previous)M (current) Teaching students who are both in special education and English language learners Working effectively with parents Classroom management skills Standardized assessment skills (e.g., CAPT, CMT, norm-referenced tests) Teaching English language learners Teaching gifted and talented learners Integrating technology into classroom instruction Teaching special education students Educating students from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds Encouraging interaction with students from different backgrounds Educating students from diverse cultural backgrounds The difficulty level of the program Challenging students to meet their fullest potential Understanding people from other racial and/or ethnic backgrounds Formative classroom assessment skills The degree of preparation for working in the teaching profession The content and/or area specialty Creating meaningful learning experiences for students in English Overall Ratings for Satisfaction with Program Components
9 M (previous)M (current) Integrating technology into classroom instruction Standardized assessment skills (e.g., CAPT, CMT, norm-referenced tests). 3.8 Teaching English language learners The difficulty level of the program. 3.9 Teaching gifted and talented learners Teaching students who are both in special education and English language learners. 4.0 Working effectively with parents. 4.2 Formative classroom assessment skills. 4.3 Educating students from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds Encouraging interaction with students from different backgrounds. 4.3 Understanding people from other racial and/or ethnic backgrounds Educating students from diverse cultural backgrounds Teaching special education students. 4.5 Challenging students to meet their fullest potential. 4.6 The content and/or area specialty Creating meaningful learning experiences for students in English. 4.7 The degree of preparation for working in the teaching profession Classroom management skills Overall Ratings for Importance with Program Components
10 Difference (previous) Difference (current) The content and/or area specialty Creating meaningful learning experiences for students in English. 0.6 Classroom management skills Integrating technology into classroom instruction Working effectively with parents. 1.3 Formative classroom assessment skills Standardized assessment skills (e.g., CAPT, CMT, norm-referenced tests) Teaching English language learners Teaching special education students Teaching students who are both in special education and English language learners Teaching gifted and talented learners Educating students from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds Understanding people from other racial and/or ethnic backgrounds Encouraging interaction with students from different backgrounds Educating students from diverse cultural backgrounds The difficulty level of the program Challenging students to meet their fullest potential The degree of preparation for working in the teaching profession. 0.7 Comparison of Satisfaction and Importance Ratings: Previous and Current Year ( mean importance rating-mean satisfaction rating )
11 M (previous) Standard deviation (previous) M (current) Standard deviation (current) Understand how students learn Use different pedagogical approaches Implement ’s Common Core of Teaching Handle the paperwork associated with your job Manage time throughout the school day Collaborate with other adults Adapt to changes in content and/or resources Deal with changes in the classroom or school Overall Ratings on Satisfaction with Learning about the Teaching Profession
12 M (previous) Standard deviation (previous) M (current) Standard deviation (current) Sense of community with other students Faculty involvement with students Faculty with experience as practitioners Cooperation between the Sciences and Education Quality of teaching Quality of advising Clinic experiences Master’s internship Student teaching Job readiness of graduates Overall preparation Overall Ratings of the Neag School
13 TotalIB/MTCPCG N%N%N% Yes % % No 34.9% % Current Involvement in Education Overall and by Program
14 Overall Explanations for Involvement in Education: Previous and Current Year Previous Yr Current Yr Currently involved in field of education N%N% I enjoy working with the students I enjoy being in a diverse student population I like the schedule It is rewarding for me when my students learn I work in a supportive and challenging atmosphere I like the building leaders Other N/A
15 Overall Explanations for Involvement in Education: Previous and Current Year M (previous) M (current) The use of technology to enhance learning Using differentiated instruction Using appropriate classroom management Theory Producing new instructional methods 3.3 Constructing knowledge around the abilities, interests, & learning styles of all students Collaborative learning communities Content Pedagogy 3.4 Using multiple methods to enhance learning opportunities Using varied methods to assess student learning 3.4 Working with diverse student population Asking reflective questions about important problems Curiosity/intellectual enthusiasm A desire to make the learning process enjoyable A belief that all students can learn The value of diversity in our culture
Previous TotalCurrent Total N%N% Yes No Overall Likelihood of Alumni Choosing to Attend UConn Again
17 Grade for Overall Quality: Overall and by Program Previous YearCurrent YearIB/MTCPCG Grade N%N%N%N% A B C D F
Next Steps Based on these results, the following are our recommendations regarding the administration of this survey: 1) Administer survey every 2-3 years (rather than annually) 2) Administer special interest surveys on off years 3) Work with teacher education on the areas that recur as “need” areas (i.e., working effectively with parents and teaching students who are special education and ELL) 18
19 Thank You!