Discovering Chinese Technology Ancient Chinese ingenuity lead to the development of new new products and processes. Through cultural connections these.


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Presentation transcript:

Discovering Chinese Technology Ancient Chinese ingenuity lead to the development of new new products and processes. Through cultural connections these new innovations reached eventually reached the West and changed the way European practice.

Discovering Chinese Technology Activity Each student or team chooses a piece of the puzzle. Use the Internet to find our about Ancient Chinese Inventions. Be ready to share your piece in information with the class. On your worksheet, record the following information: 1.When was it invented? 2.Where was it invented? 3.Who invented it? 4.What did the Chinese use it for? 5.How did the invention reach the European world?

Blast Furnace

Movable Type






Printing Press



Paper Money

Helicopter Rotor



Mold Board Plow



Chinese Inventions Moveable type Paper Paper money Printing Press Rockets Seismograph Silk Umbrella Wheelbarrow Abacus Blast furnace (cast iron) Compass Gunpowder Helicopter rotor Kite Matches Moldboard plow