Are you part of the steamroller or part of the road? Essential web 2.0 tools in the library professionals’ toolkit. CC net efekt
CC TOMTEC Awareness of web 2.0 tools Skills using web 2.0 tools Knowledge of applications for libraries
In 2008: 2.3M Australians had created a blog 7.1M Australians read one or more blogs 84% of Australian internet users used Web 2.0 for sharing content such as photos, links and video 83% of Australian internet users consumed Consumer Generated Media content Source: Nielsen Online Consumer Generated Media Report, Nielson Netratings and Universal McCann, 2008
INF105 The Digital Environment This subject introduces students to the fundamentals of information and communication technology and provides an overview of the digital environment that we live in. It explains the concepts of 'networks' and 'networking' and the way they are used to provide information services, information exchange and knowledge sharing activities. In particular, the subject explores information and knowledge activities in the digital environment of the world wide web. Bachelor of Information CSU
INF206 Social Networking for Information Professionals This subject will explore the concept, theory and practice of social networking technologies within the context of libraries and work of information professionals, with a particular focus on Library 2.0 and participatory library service. This subject requires students to immerse themselves within a range of social networking enviroments, including the use of blogs, wikis, social bookmarking, Facebook, IM, Flickr, and Second Life, and evaluate their learning experiences throughout the session as both social networker and information professional. Bachelor of Information CSU
The school library is the school’s physical and virtual learning commons where inquiry, thinking, imagination, discovery, and creativity are central to students’ information-to-knowledge journey, and to their personal, social and cultural growth. Dr Ross Todd
information source assisting clients using web 2.0 tools platform to deliver services interacting with clients Libraries are using web 2.0 tools in many different ways
professional development knowledge sharing communities of interest Libraries are using web 2.0 tools in many different ways
1.Learn about the tools and library applications for the tools 2.Don’t try to implement too many things at once 3.Solve real problems – don’t invent new ones [eg. a delicious account to share bookmarked websites with tags relating to course codes and subjects] 4.Find out what the Institute’s ICT acceptable use policies allow and develop a social media policy 5.Work with the ICT team – make a business case for using tools
Firewalls Traffic shaping ICT acceptable use policies Social media policies
Picture Credits CC Steamroller by net_efektnet_efekt CC The toolbox is organised! by TOMTEC Superman ébredése, Hannibal rising by nemeth_norbert Keyboard by john_a_ward Flickr: The Commons CC New Learning Commons Lower Columbia College Lower Columbia College NSW Public Libraries Learning Public libraries and new technologies Reference and research assistance
Mylee Joseph Consultant Public Library Services State Library of NSW Phone: 02)